How Trustworthy Are Muslim Professions of Peace? – IOTW Report

How Trustworthy Are Muslim Professions of Peace?

 Raymond Ibrahim:

In a longwinded article titled “Hidden Enemies: An American History of Taqiyya” for Cabinet Magazine, the author, “Joshua Craze”—an apparent pseudonym for a self-identified Muslim man—predictably downplays the dangers of taqiyya, an Islamic doctrine which permits Muslims to deceive non-Muslims.  Consider the following excerpts:

[T]aqiyya had become a central pillar of the far-right’s rendition of Islam. Because I am a masochist, I spent a few days trying to source all the quotations in one report, “Taqiyya about Taqiyya” by Raymond Ibrahim, a virulent Islamophobe associated with David Horowitz…  It would be too easy to say that distorted facts and quotations proliferate in such pieces because of a disregard for the truth. Raymond Ibrahim and his fellow Taqiyyists have inordinate regard for a central truth: that Islam is evil. This truth flattens everything else—the seventh century and the twenty-first form part of a single tapestry of intelligibility. Everything makes sense. It’s impossible to refute Ibrahim. He has certainty, where I can offer only ambiguity and nuance. That’s not much of an answer. As ever, paranoia is far more coherent than real life.

Concerning “Craze’s” charges, the reader is free to evaluate my article, “Taqiyya about Taqiyya”—originally the expert report portion of my affidavit in a legal case concerning taqiyya—and see if it “distorts facts” and has a “disregard for the truth.”  (Curiously, although Craze linked to and documented every other article he referenced, including those he was critical of, he failed to link to mine, which is here.)

Of more interest is his point, that, when it comes to Islam, people would rather have certainty—which apparently culminates into “paranoia”—rather than what he offers, “ambiguity and nuance.”  He continues in this vein: more

21 Comments on How Trustworthy Are Muslim Professions of Peace?

  1. I don’t trust muzzie doctors, and I do my due diligence of checking out every doctor that I see. Remember this muzzie doctor and what she threatened to do?

    Ohio doctor fired after anti-Semitic tweets surface, including threat to give Jews ‘wrong meds’

    After she got fired, she came to California where she got fired again after they found out who she was.

  2. “If there is evidence that Muslims are encouraged to deceive non-Muslims—and there is, plenty—how does one know when a Muslim is or isn’t being deceptive?”

    If their mouth is moving, and there are sounds coming out, you should not trust what you hear. When someone has been taught to deceive you, you should believe that it is happening.

  3. The glorious Benny Hill would quip: Is it true that when you say No, you mean Yes?

    You don’t have to mistrust them, just look at what they’ve done since the days of the Pedophile-murderer. Judge men by what they do; keep your distance.

  4. …Mohammad says Islam must be advanced and all other religions be destroyed.

    This is not conducive to peace.

    Any Muslim that tells you otherwise is either a bad Muslim or a good liar…

    “19 These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads,

    20 Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted;

    21And for them are hooked rods of iron.

    22 Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.”

    Quran 22:19- 22:22

    …sounds pretty peaceful to me…/s

  5. To be a true Moslem is to want to convert, tax or kill Christianity. There is no such thing as a moderate Moslem. When a so-called moderate is presented with the edge of a sword, they will quickly become Christian hating Moslem terrorists.

  6. I trust ’em as far as I can KICK ‘me! 😀

    EVERYTHING I NEEDED to know about mohammedanism, I learned on November 4, 1979. 😡

    NOTHING they’ve done, in the 41 years since, has convinced me otherwise.

  7. Should I assuage the feelings of some by saying—the percentage of muslims that have proven themselves to be worthy of becoming American citizens appears to be less than the percentage of liberals that give-a-shit about the U.S. Constitution?


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