Homeowner shoots all 4 armed men who broke into his house — 2 of them fatally – IOTW Report

Homeowner shoots all 4 armed men who broke into his house — 2 of them fatally

Surviving suspects face murder charges for accomplices’ deaths.

Blaze: It appears to be yet another case of crime suspects getting charged with murder when their accomplices are fatally shot by the crime victim.

A Louisiana homeowner had just about all he could handle last Tuesday morning when four men carrying guns invaded his residence in Lacombe, WVUE-TV reported. Lacombe is about an hour’s drive north of — and directly across Lake Pontchartrain from — New Orleans.

Thing is, the homeowner also had a gun — and used it far more successfully than the quartet of intruders. The homeowner, in fact, shot all four suspects, killing two of them during the ensuing shootout.

The St. Tammany Coroner’s office identified the dead suspects as 25-year-old Renard Causey Jr. and 21-year-old Justin Hill, WVUE added. more

20 Comments on Homeowner shoots all 4 armed men who broke into his house — 2 of them fatally

  1. I’d like to know more about this. Was he expecting these guys? Were the perps intoxicated? What was his weapon(s)? Is he a suspected bad guy? Good for him for handling the situation.

  2. The homeowner’s 4-year-old daughter apparently was struck by a bullet in the crossfire, the station said, adding that family members said she received an operation and is expected to be OK.

    The homeowner also is expected to be OK, and WVUE added that deputies say the homeowner won’t face charges at this time. A relative told WVUE the homeowner may have been pistol-whipped before he fired at the intruders.

  3. I am unable to find ANY pictures on this – the perps or the victims.
    Interesting this:
    – Deceased: Renard Causey Jr.
    – Injured: Renard Causey Sr.
    What a wonderful father

  4. Hambone

    LOL. During normal time I go through about 1200 rounds of pistol projectiles a month. I’ve really cut back, but I love to shoot. About 6 weeks ago I paid .46 cent a round for bulk 45 acp and I thought that was bad. What’s really bad is all the newbee pistol owners purchased 9 mils.

  5. I told my son a couple of years ago that ammo would be the new gold to have. Ammo IMHO has been in high demand ever since Obummer took office and the demand hasn’t let up. An acquaintance had his barn broken into and had 1,000 rounds of .223 stolen. Impossible to replace it here.


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