If he wasn’t already a Democrat, what would he be doing differently? – IOTW Report

If he wasn’t already a Democrat, what would he be doing differently?

Ga Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Honored By Dems, Switching Parties.

19 Comments on If he wasn’t already a Democrat, what would he be doing differently?

  1. A commenter from the attached link above;

    “David Arnold Ken Dudek • 40 minutes ago

    It is the Director of National Intelligence report that must be released forty-five days after the election detailing any foreign interference in the election. The report must be released by December 18th at the latest. Rumors are that it might already have been released to Trump and he will go public within days. Nobody knows what the report will reveal but I expect some shocking info.”

    I guess it’s not over, until it’s over.

  2. …ask Arlen Specter how well Democrats treat traitors once they’re finished using them…


    …no man stands with a traitor, not even in a party of traitors, you just can’t trust ’em…so, once you deliver the Senators like you did the Presidency, you may get retired sooner than you think…or maybe a bit more, if they wanna be sure you’ll never talk…

  3. @ Supernightshade DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 10:29 AM

    I felt like a lone wolf howling in the wilderness regarding Arlon Sphincter when he was dry shaving the conservative base each time he was given the opportunity. I was way out in front when it came to recognizing the Republican establishment as a menace. It is nice to see someone else has a long memory.

  4. @ Supernightshade DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 1:39 PM

    Yea, no kidding.

    What way too many Constitutional conservatives cannot get their fat head around is that Progressives are Progressives first, last and always and Progressives are hostile to Constitutional conservatism. The Progressive movement is the umbrella under which the Democrats and establishment Republicans dwell while raining down piss on Constitutional conservatives.


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