Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters – IOTW Report

Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters

National Pulse:

Data obtained by the Nevada GOP from the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles reveals that thousands of non-citizens were registered to vote and ultimately cast ballots in the 2020 election.

The revelation, adding to a long list of fraudulent election activities in the critical swing state, comes as a result of Nevada’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) automatically registering all voters who apply for driver’s licenses. Since legal and illegal non-citizens can hold driver’s licenses and identification cards, if the DMV fails to “do their due diligence,” non-citizens can easily be registered to vote, as explained by the Nevada GOP.

Under a subpoena, the state’s GOP obtained data that showed green card holders and non citizens who had obtained driver’s licenses. From this official data set, the Nevada GOP “compared this detailed information against the county voter records in Nevada” and “discovered that 6,260 non citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens had voted.”

In a signed statement “under the penalty of perjury,” the group’s data analyst Jesse Kamzol outlined his findings, which he emphasized “merit further investigation.” read more

14 Comments on Nevada GOP Subpoenas DMV, Data Reveals Thousands Of Non-Citizen Voters

  1. This happens everywhere they have automatic voter registration attached to getting a drivers license… Remember when the anti-America democrats thought giving illegals a drivers license was a good idea?! Something about then they would buy car insurance… Guess what? They still don’t do that! It’s horrifying to think about all the undermining and corruption the democrats have been allowed to get away with… Now they’re openly rigging elections… Sadly since our justice system is so compromised, it’s looking like they’re going to be allowed to do this as well! Keep your powder dry…

  2. It is not even a contest…
    Joe Biden and the Dimwits vs. The Founding Fathers and the Laws of Nations…
    The Founding Fathers by a Knockout!
    Donald Trump remains your President
    As Wayne Allyn Root says: “Never bet against Trump”.

  3. Nevada (like CA, NY) gave illegals the license to drive. The NV cards look different for illegals (as do the under 21, and elderly licenses) and they were given to them under the condition that they would not, and could not, use it to vote or receive welfare, etc. LOL I know, I know, but that’s what they told them.
    I’m shocked, SHOCKED they would use the ID fraudulently, etc. so on, so forth.

  4. Imagine, the DMV fails to “do their due diligence.”

    Of course, how many Republicans just sat back and twiddled their thumbs to let this happen. I guarantee that if there was a miracle and the Republicans ever had control of the House, Senate, and White House (which will never happen again), he Republicans wouldn’t do a damn thing to eliminate this and other sources of fraud.

  5. If a child has no supervision, they will do whatever they can get away with.
    Most of us would blame the parents for not doing their job, not the child.
    I blame the republicans for allowing the democrats to do whatever they like with no supervision, or even worse, apparently, with their blessing, as we’re now finding out.

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”

    Elmer T. Peterson in The Daily Oklahoman (9 December 1951)

  6. Not a problem: When President Herass is sworn in on Jan 20, her first act will be to grant amnesty to 50 million illegals. Just amend the executive order to make it retroactive back to November 3, and grant them all citizenship too! Easy .

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