Top Wisconsin official: ‘A lot of gray areas’ in laws governing election observers must be addressed – IOTW Report

Top Wisconsin official: ‘A lot of gray areas’ in laws governing election observers must be addressed

Just The News:

Wisconsin Election Commission Director Meagan Wolfe is warning that “gaps” and “a lot of gray areas” in the laws related to Election Day observers need to be addressed before the next election.

“Observers are a really important part of the process,” Wolfe said during a discussion Tuesday organized by the Bipartisan Policy Center titled, “The 2020 Voting Experience and Goals for Reform.” 

“The statutes govern that these important aspects are very broad and they say things like, ‘the table for observers can be 3 to 8 feet from registration or a poll book’ but it otherwise leaves the logistics of how observers are to interact in the polling places, what materials they’re able to review, where they’re able to be,” she added.

Wolfe said the handling of observers is “at the discretion” of the chief polling “inspectors” at each of the 4,000 polling places in the battleground state.

“This means there are 4,000 ways the process can be carried out and it can result in very different experiences in different polling places and so I think there are a lot of gray areas that need to be addressed and we need to recognize that those gaps exist and that we, as election administrators, have to have tools to deal with them in real time,” she said. read more

5 Comments on Top Wisconsin official: ‘A lot of gray areas’ in laws governing election observers must be addressed

  1. ^^^^^^^^

    That’s at least 5 hours old. Are Georgian Republicans really this fucking stupid that they’re going to play the same damn game AGAIN? Why aren’t they chasing the Libtards out? Why are the Libtards in control in the first place? WTF?


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