US Senator Ron Johnson Hands Democrat Liar Gary Peters His Ass Over Repeated, Baseless “Russian Disinformation” Claims Hurled at GOP – IOTW Report

US Senator Ron Johnson Hands Democrat Liar Gary Peters His Ass Over Repeated, Baseless “Russian Disinformation” Claims Hurled at GOP

The Democrats’ self-righteous mendacity is a whole other level of evil. Senator Johnson calls it out. Watch @ Geller Report.

13 Comments on US Senator Ron Johnson Hands Democrat Liar Gary Peters His Ass Over Repeated, Baseless “Russian Disinformation” Claims Hurled at GOP

  1. Good point. With reams of documentation, and hundreds of sworn affidavits from eye witnesses and cyber experts, Every single article or MSM news story about 2020 Election fraud begins with the words “unsubstantiated “ or “without evidence”. Yet, over the last 4 years we were subjected to unrelenting stories about “Russian influence” in the 2016 election with no such disclaimers, when their actually was no evidence.

  2. ” With reams of documentation, and hundreds of sworn affidavits from eye witnesses and cyber experts,”

    Unfortunately, all that stuff is meaningless unless it is both presented and accepted in a court of law as valid and verified evidence.

  3. ….ohhh, we scored a “burn”

    Word to your mother, Peters.

    …meanwhile, Joe Biden is set to get the nuclear launch codes on 1/20.

    We don’t need high school “wins” that do not in any way disrupt the enemy’s march to victory.

    We need the military to intervene.

  4. SNS — Dear Friend, every skirmish that exposes the enemy is a part of the greater war.

    Too little, too late? That’s entirely up to God, and God hates lying.

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

  5. Supernightshade

    I feel your frustration. However I’ve had to force myself to ignore headlines like “Boom”, “Epic”and try and focus on what’s taking place. Exposure. We would have never known in what bad shape we are in had not DJT allowed the November 3rd Communist party elections to occur. Everyone’s just about outed. Now we can include some non elected DNI employees. It’s getting close to the time to round them all up. I hope. The mechanisms are in place.

  6. “It was enjoyable to watch.”

    It was only possible because the GOP has a majority and thus can fill chairmanship roles in committees. If they don’t go two for two in next month’s Georgia senate election, all thus epic-ness will be a thing of the passed.

    Funny how things we used to do naturally and often, like standing up for yourself and standing up to truth, now turns into a drop the mic moment. If the GOP’ers had any stones and did this more often we wouldn’t be so enthralled over the few instances were they do demonstrate courage.

  7. Ooooh… He got a good sound byte in a la Trey Gowdy. Meanwhile, you know what the democrats are likely to get? Two GA Senates seats and free reign to turn the US into a totalitarian shithole… But the GOP Senators get to talk some righteous smack to them once in a while… which, BTW, counts for jack fucking shit.

  8. More than one of these Democrats need to have someone they slander go all Preston Brooks on them.

    REPRESENTATIVE PRESTON BROOKS of South Carolina thought Sumner went too far. Southerners in the nineteenth century were raised to live by an unwritten code of honor. Defending the reputation of one’s family was at the top of the list. A distant cousin of Senator Butler, Brooks decided to teach Charles Sumner a lesson he would not soon forget. Two days after the end of Sumner’s speech, Brooks entered the Senate chamber where Sumner was working at his desk. He flatly told Sumner, “You’ve libeled my state and slandered my white-haired old relative, Senator Butler, and I’ve come to punish you for it.” Brooks proceeded to strike Sumner over the head repeatedly with a gold-tipped cane. The cane shattered as Brooks rained blow after blow on the hapless Sumner, but Brooks could not be stopped. Only after being physically restrained by others did Brooks end the pummeling.

  9. @ JD and AA: Had exactly the same thought but also wondered if we could start a new Malacca cane industry for products to be used in Congress. Hell, I’d donate some to (r)s if any with balls could be found. Maybe start some schools for cane fighting too…

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