Joe Biden continues his reign of incoherence and weirdness – IOTW Report

Joe Biden continues his reign of incoherence and weirdness

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Joe Biden has brought verbal incontinence and incoherence to something of an art form. When he opens his mouth, if you forget his personal corruption and the vast fraud that brought him within drooling distance of the Oval Office, he’s actually a comic figure. He was at it again in Georgia, making bizarre statements about Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, to the point at which he sounded as if he were trying out for Madeline Kahn’s role in a remake of Blazing Saddles.

When it comes to Jon Ossoff, who really is a remarkable nonentity, Biden couldn’t quite seem to grasp the name of the man he was there to endorse. “Ossoff” got transmuted into the more exotic “Orsoff”:

That really has a kind of Ukrainian touch, doesn’t it? Also, I hope you noticed that the man who is now alleged to have received 81 million votes managed to get at least five cars to honk their horns for him.

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h/t Not at all confused

9 Comments on Joe Biden continues his reign of incoherence and weirdness

  1. He never had ~people~ gather for him so how did he win SO overwhelming? Because ‘people’ did not vote for him.
    “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
    This is United States Government Overthrow, and all the filth is in on it for personal gain.


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