Trump Cuts Off California Over Newsom’s Abortion Mandate – IOTW Report

Trump Cuts Off California Over Newsom’s Abortion Mandate

WFB: The Trump administration announced Wednesday that it is withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in Medicaid funding from California over the state’s abortion insurance mandate.

The administration will withhold $200 million in Medicaid funding because of a state regulation that requires health insurers to cover elective abortions. The announcement marks the culmination of a yearlong conflict between the administration and Democratic governor Gavin Newsom over the regulation, which the White House said violates federal conscience laws.

“We have informed California that this policy clearly violates federal conscience laws, but the state refuses to fix the issue and comply,” Department of Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar said. “Accordingly, we plan to withhold $200 million in federal Medicaid funds from the state in the first quarter of 2021, and unless California amends its policies, we will seek to withhold an additional $200 million every quarter until it complies.” more here

19 Comments on Trump Cuts Off California Over Newsom’s Abortion Mandate

  1. Yes, this will be overturned in the courts, as it should be. Low income, disabled, veterans, the elderly, they rely on Medicaid funding to provide for their basic needs, this money should not be used (or abused) for political purposes. Besides, Biden could negate it with an EO.

    We would scream bloody murder if President Biden without Medicaid funding to states like Alabama just because they have restrictive abortion laws which he doesn’t like.

  2. All democrats have to do is remove the abortion funding. People who are against abortion should not have to pay for people to have one. No one should have to pay for someone else to end a life.

  3. Janitor, do you think medical care is free? Cutting medicaid funding will hurt those that rely on medicaid for their healthcare needs, the most vulnerable among us. Cutting rates will only mean that less providers will participate in the program, less providers, less doctors, less medical clinics. There are better ways to handle political squabbles than messing around with monies that many people rely on.

  4. rich taylor, cutting medicaid funding means that California has a choice: comply with the anti-abortion mandate, or find the money from somewhere else, maybe less crony capitalism.

    No one needing medical care is turned away from an emergency room in this country. No one who is a veteran can’t get medical care at a VA. Stop repeating Democrat propaganda.

  5. Janitor, do you know any physicians that take Medicaid patients? How about anybody that actually relies on Medicaid for their healthcare needs?

    One of the main drivers of high health care costs is the use of emergency rooms for preventable conditions by patients who generally come from the most vulnerable populations. Forcing even more of these people into ER’s because they can’t find care elsewhere is not a viable solution.

  6. best abortion prevention (aside from a picture of killary naked) is to KEEP YOUR GODDAMN LEGS CLOSED!!!!

    Worked for centuries, and will continue to work as long as people do it plus, its completely FREE!

  7. newsom tweet “but their frail, patriarchal system they are so desperate to protect wont.” governor verbally admitting he is a communist sympathizer is one thing. posting it to the world, sounds like we have a full blown communist.

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