In Colorado, They’re Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths – IOTW Report

In Colorado, They’re Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths

Townhall| Katie Pavlich:

A coroner in Colorado is sounding the alarm over how deaths in her county are being counted and attributed to Wuhan coronavirus.

“The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds,” CBS News Denver reports. “Bock says because they tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 30 days, they were classified as ‘deaths among cases.'”

Bock is calling the classification “absurd” and raises concerns death classifications are falsely driving the narrative about the direction of the pandemic. Health officials in the state say they’re simply following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control on how to classify deaths of individuals from and with the virus. 

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” Bock told the news outlet. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.” read more

20 Comments on In Colorado, They’re Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths

  1. This has been the case sine last spring. Colorado and other states were reporting auto accidents, murders and what-not as covid deaths. Don’t expect the government to give up on their reason to control people easily.

  2. Kills two birds with one stone for the leftist in charge. First, you get to inflate COVID mortalities while Donald Trump is president (and therefore blame his administration plus qualify for what ever grants are being handed out by the government). Second, you get to reduce the murder rate, which in any dem run municipality would ordinarily be a concern (i.e. defund the police, BLM and antifa allowed to run free in the streets committing all manner of mayhem).

  3. Listening to am radio I hear commercials about the increase in covid deaths daily along with the dismal economic numbers. It sure seems like they are setting the stage to 1. (In their world) Make Trump’s legacy be the POTUS with the most deaths and biggest economic collapse and 2. Set it up for Biden so that no matter what the numbers improve on both fronts. I’ve noted too we no longer even see stories about actual people with Covid, just these numbers spewed daily. I’m sure states all over are pulling this crap.

  4. It’s happening in small town Virginia too. Big headline 6 weeks ago about Covid-19 taking its toll at the local assisted living facility… a woman of 107 years of age! Please. She would have died of a sneeze.

    And, in the past few weeks, 2 deaths in our co-workers’ extended families: a woman in her 70’s in hospice with COPD and a step-nephew(?) in his 20’s who ingested all the drugs he had on him b/c the cops were chasing him. Neither had ever been tested for Chinavirus but it was listed as cause of death on both certificates.

  5. At some point they will go to far and some bar, restaurant or gym owner about to lose everything they built might go postal when they come with their papers or tickets. Or will they just shut the water and electricity off from a safe distance?
    Make it stop.

  6. The stooges monetized the reporting, they’re counting pretty much everything as a COVID related fatality. Add in all the false positives from the tests, (and who’s going to test somebody who’s dead twice?) and it’s instant pandemic panic for the lame stream media to feast on.

  7. We live in a world where people are more offended by inconvenient facts than they are by big tech censorship, government corruption, election fraud, and big media lies.

  8. The fudge?

    Not one word on what caliber covid normally carries.

    On the upside, kids playing finger guns don’t have to yell “BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!” for gunshot noises, now they have the option of yelling “COVID! COVID! COVID! instead.”

    99% survivability rate. Kids will love it.

  9. You just know that the kid who gets (pretend) killed playing the fake Covid game Covid, Covid, Covid is going to holler and scream that it wasn’t fair, he’s not dead and that the other kid cheated yelling Covid…. Funny how some things never change just like when we played Army as kids. There was always one spoilsport who refused to play by the rules, now the ninnies and sissies and nincowpoops (Bugs Bunny reference) and spoilsports are everywhere and they all grew up to be progtards.


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