Election Thread – IOTW Report

Election Thread

Go ahead. Pick at it.

OUTRAGEOUS: Supreme Court Is Purposefully Delaying and Slow Walking Sidney Powell Emergency Petitions – State Responses Not Due Till January 14.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Data Scientists Break Down Voter Fraud in Arizona and It’s Shocking – 790,000 Laundered Votes Injected Into the System (VIDEO)

Over 40% of voters think Democrats will try to impose socialist policies on U.S. if they win Senate

POLL: Nearly half of Americans think there was fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
And a majority of those surveyed voted for Joe Biden.

Over 40% of voters think Democrats will try to impose socialist policies on U.S. if they win Senate.

Unconstitutional? Wisconsin city election officials sought private money to register voters.

Texas Congressman Matt Patrick Stunning Claim, Supreme Court Chief Justice Worried About Riots.

Senator James Lankford Outlines Concerns With Voter Confidence in 2020 Election Outcome.

27 Comments on Election Thread

  1. President Trump PLEASE go barbarian on them all.
    Slam a mace on their desk that they know will will not endure this.
    Then slam the mace to some heads.

    Unleash our military men on the domestic enemy. They should never have been wasted on faraway muslim lands.

  2. Dear President Trump

    If you’re fresh out of guillotines, I have several machetes you could use. They’re razor blade sharp.

    Jimmy ‘Off-With-Their-Heads” Guillotine

    PS: Do you own an ‘assault rifle?’ You could also use that before Joe Biden replaces you and bans them.

  3. I was driving today so had time to listen to the radio. Tried to listen to Rush, but he had a guest host, (Todd something). The first caller tried talking about doing whatever it would take to make this election work, and the guy cut him off and started saying, “What Trump should do after he concedes is to hire his own investigators to prove the election was fraudulent.” I almost drove off the road I was so mad. Turned it off until Hannitay came on, and I have now renamed him, “Sean, surrender monkey Hannity.” All he talked about was how important the Georgia senate race is and how that is only hope of keeping Biden from destroying our country. I AM SICK OF THIS!

  4. This is such a fn crime what is happening with this fraud. I want to punch a wall! AND do we trust that Lin Wood guy? Could HE be the savior of America? Why is it his shit gets accepted to hear, and Sidney, not? Is it the recordings? Is it naked pictures? I want to trust him, but I’m cautiously dubious. This is such a nightmare and I feel like NO ONE, except the People, like Trump. He doesn’t have a friend in the room. <– isn't that 40s film noir saying? That's how I feel.

  5. Are you folks who are outraged by this simply going to let President Trump handle it all? Will you exercise the Second Amendment if he should choose the path of least resistance and decide to run again in 2024? Because you know damn well if this fraud stands, you won’t ever vote again…you’ll just be going through the motions in masturbatory fashion.
    Will you accept that?

  6. Maria Bartiromo says an intel source tells her Trump won and it is up to SCOTUS. But SCOTUS just punted and won’t even get the state responses for the two cases they will consider until Jan 14th. What if that is really what Trump wants. What if he wants to go and exhaust every avenue and show how the entire system is rigged with corrupt, compromised lifers that need to be eradicated from the system. The man has patience like I’ve never seen for the last five years. They are the ones squirming trying to figure out what he is going to do.

  7. Anon…that is my last hope at this point. If commies go ape-shit, well then we MUSGT stand-up the militia and do our part.
    It has to get ugly. There needs to be a reckoning.

  8. Secession requires the state legislatures.

    What would be the best first step in a civil war? Move on the errant state politicians, legislatures? DO like antifa and take over… say… DC police stations? Trucker’s strike refusing delivery to all corrupt counties? ???

  9. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    – 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams, from Thomas Jefferson.

    Or, is that considered merely an old, quaint saying.

  10. So it is clear their plan is to run out the clock and give no hearings.
    That seems to leave few options for a peaceful fix? Hope and pray I’m wrong.
    If the law will not be keepers of the law, what is left? Feelings?

  11. If John Roberts heard pounding on the doors of his court from BLM wait till he hears the sound of Trump supporters.
    The man is a coward and a scumbag,and he sleeps with Karl Rove.
    He is a shit stain on the court.
    Bush spit.


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