LEAKED AUDIO: Wayne County Dominion Training – IOTW Report

LEAKED AUDIO: Wayne County Dominion Training

Geller Report: This leaked audio supports Dominion contract worker Mellissa Carone’s testimony, who the Left are trying to destroy. Listen to the whole thing.

The Dominion trainer repeatedly says their job is to create a “perception.”They hired a bunch of local IT contractors to make it look good to Detroiters but any real issues with the machines are to be called in to “the guys from Texas” in the “Chicago warehouse”. The IT contractors are explicitly instructed to not even touch the machines.

They are on site as a front, just as Melissa testified with Giuliani. And according to the instructor the adjudicator function is new and nobody but one Dominion contact is to be called to fix any problems with it. From what I’ve read the adjudicator folder is where votes were flipped. A high % of ballots were flagged as errors and then were assigned by whoever was running the machines. more here

5 Comments on LEAKED AUDIO: Wayne County Dominion Training

  1. While you’re listening to the video, read the comments being made about it. I take it that most people seem to doubt her testimony is credible and no one seems to believe it and take it seriously.

  2. Reminder: The supreme court is just one of the three branches of our federal gov’t. They’re not untouchable gods at whose feet we grovel. We’re paying the electric and phone bills for their fancy building. They say they have no “public comment” line, so I guess we’ll have to just talk to whoever answers the damn phone! Too bad for them.

    MAKE YOUR CALLS TODAY, please. Tell them they’re not the ONLY ones who have an opinion.

    General Contact Information:

    U.S. Mail:
    Supreme Court of the United States
    1 First Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20543

    Telephone: 202-479-3000
    TTY: 202-479-3472
    (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern)

    For time sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1. The Supreme Court does not have a public comment phone line.

    For general questions that are not time sensitive, email: Public Information Office

    Contact the Public Information Office by U.S. Mail:
    Public Information Officer
    Supreme Court of the United States
    1 First Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20543

    Other Helpful Telephone Numbers

    Clerk’s Office: 202-479-3011
    Visitor Information Line: 202-479-3030
    Opinion Announcements: 202-479-3360

  3. The Democrats were walking side by side, with the Republican establishment and the Deep State, stealthily through the valley of election corruption. What the arrogant bastards did in this election is analogous to shouting, neener, neener, neener, there isn’t a Goddamn thing anyone can do about it, we have the media and Big Tech protecting us. What they have accomplished is to unstabilize what they have piled above their heads and what started as a small amount of unstable matter starting to roll down on them, that the media and Big Tech can no longer deal with, is rapidly becoming an avalanche that will bury them.

    It has spun out of their control now. The Lying Dog Faced President Defect can put that in his son’s crack pipe and smoke it.

  4. Do we even know where the adjudicated ballots were processed? There is no way one or even a handful of designated adjudicators at each counting site would have been able to have processed the disproportionately large number of flagged ballots in the timeframe given. Keep in mind that observers were banned from the adjudication rooms in the larger facilities, and where there was access, would have had to be close enough to read what was on the screen, which likely never happened, given social distancing rules. The only logical way to process such large numbers of ballots would be by remote stations, which could be located anywhere in the world, and/or, a script.

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