CDC Says Elderly Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine First Because They Aren’t Diverse Enough – IOTW Report

CDC Says Elderly Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine First Because They Aren’t Diverse Enough

Dan Bongino: The inmates are running the asylum after all.

With one coronavirus vaccine approved in the U.S. (and a second approval likely coming soon), there’s a logistical challenge in determining who to give the vaccine to first. It’ll take months before everyone who wants one can take one, and common sense would suggest those most venerable to the virus (the elderly and those with preexisting conditions) getting treated first. For perspective, the coronavirus death rate for those under the age of 19 is only about 1 in 33,000, but it’s 1 in 18 for those above age 70.

But apparently in today’s day and age, that’s a controversial statement because the elderly don’t have the preferred skin complexion while also being the most venerable to a deadly virus.

As Lee Fang, a right-of-woke journalist on the political left noticed, the CDC’s guidelines for vaccine priority put first 87 million non-healthcare “essential workers” ahead of the elderly…. because the elderly are too white. Fortunately the guidelines are non-binding – but many will still obey them regardless. read more

18 Comments on CDC Says Elderly Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine First Because They Aren’t Diverse Enough

  1. Blacks should get it first because they are oppressed. But blacks should be exempt from getting it because it is a racist plot to commit genocide.

    My head it spinning from all of this.

  2. The Dems are panicked because Trump got the vaccines out before Christmas. They need the dempanic to last for at least another year, as they morph the lockdowns into the Great Reset. By denying the most vulnerable populations access to these vaccines, they can justify continuing the lockdowns indefinitely.

    The Dems want hearings on Trump’s Covid-19 response. I hope they do. It might not go the way they plan. There is a lot of cold and callous policy mandated by Dems and their cronies in the deep state that resulted in the needless deaths of tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands and the unnecessary collapse of a vibrant economy, permanently closing over 30 percent of small business, while enriching the Dems’ big business and big tech contributors.

  3. I’m not so sure Trump should be hanging his hat on this vaccine as heavily as he has. It has not been tested, it has not been proven, side affects are mostly unknown. Sure it came out quickly, but I’m not convinced that’s a good thing.

  4. Many questions about the vaccines safety. Testing of this vaccine was limited and/or not done at all.

    Because PETA would have screamed like banshees if testing was done on rats I think it would be fine to test on a substitute instead.

    Therefore I propose that ALL demoncraps should have the vaccine first, starting with the politicals. Once they are all vax’d and the rest of the population can verify the results then those remaining can choose whether to take this cocktail or not. simple.

  5. This “elderly” is very happy to have millions and millions of guinea pigs go first. Not that I would let them put the aborted human fetus parts and sundry other nasties it contains into me.

  6. Okay with me because I have no intention of getting the vaccine – or ANY vaccine. Like I’ve said before, I’ve lived through polio, measles, mumps, chicken pox, and every deadly flu the past 70 years, and I’m still here. Almost met my maker several times in my life, I’m the Energizer Bunny! We’re all born to die.

  7. Looking at it from a Cloward-Piven perspective, for Cuomo and his ilk, many of the elderly who died were Medicaid cases…meaning that they “impoverished” themselves at the State’s expense to go to a nursing home and as such were wards of the State. They go room temperature and the State doesn’t have the monthly expense. Viola….no waste of a perfectly good crisis and a smashing start to the Great Reset.


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