New Strzok text messages show the FBI is a sack of dry, ashy turds – IOTW Report

New Strzok text messages show the FBI is a sack of dry, ashy turds

Just the News:

Four days before securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, the FBI was alerted that Trump adviser Carter Page had denied to an undercover informer ever knowing or meeting a key senior Russian official as agents were about to allege to a court, according to a text message made public Thursday by Senate investigators.

The text message was sent Oct. 17, 2016, from an FBI employee whose name was redacted to then-Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, who was leading the Crossfire Hurricane probe on the now disproven Trump-Russia collusion.

The message, released by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, provides the clearest evidence to date that FBI senior leaders were alerted to a key factual discrepancy in the FISA warrant before they got it approved from the court and they did not alert the judges. more

12 Comments on New Strzok text messages show the FBI is a sack of dry, ashy turds

  1. Wouldn’t it be something to see Trump order Seal Team Six to liquidate all the traitors at FBI Headquarters the same way Bin Laden’s compound was dealt with. It could be televised live in real time. What a show that would be.

  2. The FBI is a criminal enterprise.
    RICO laws were created to break up such organizations.
    But the Democrats are now taking power.
    They will not clean up the FBI.
    They will support its corrupt nature.


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