Antifa Seizes Abandoned House, Sets Up New Autonomous Zone in Seattle – IOTW Report

Antifa Seizes Abandoned House, Sets Up New Autonomous Zone in Seattle


Antifa has returned to Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, and in addition to barricading the area, agitators have reportedly seized a yellow house nearby, staging an “occupation” in the name of Black Lives Matter, indigenous rights, and free housing for everyone. Nearby, a car burst into flames after someone allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail into it. This latest agitation seems to echo the infamous and deadly Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) from the summer.

Antifa settled into a house on 11th Avenue and East Denny Way after police had planned to sweep a homeless camp at Cal Anderson Park, local radio host Jason Rantz reported. The homeless camp made the park “dangerous and unusable.” Trash and used needles have collected in the area and repeat offender Travis Berge allegedly stabbed his girlfriend to death before dying in the park himself. Fires have broken out in the park, police reported an assault against an officer, and park workers have reportedly faced threats. read more

17 Comments on Antifa Seizes Abandoned House, Sets Up New Autonomous Zone in Seattle

  1. These situations could be easy to deal with if the simple and non violent process of just cordoning off the area and letting no one enter or leave till they gave it up and surrendered.

    Wouldn’t hurt to cut the utilities on top of it, just to speed the process up a bit.

    I wonder if anyone has thought of this?

  2. The cops cleared it out yesterday. They arrested about 15 people but a judge released all but two because they had felony warrants.
    There are vids on Twitter of local liberal Seattle types yelling at the police as they clear out the rubbish. These professor and teacher types voted for this mess. Progressives are idiots.

  3. Very interesting article Iron man. I was hoping Trump would win big in November and then start cleaning up the cities plagued by Antifa and BLM violent (I don’t care who disagrees) protestors/rioters. Whatever it takes.

  4. They want to act like they’re their own separate country?
    Treat them like one!
    Border control – no passing into the United States without a valid passport and visa.
    Trade – make them pay duties and taxes on anything and everything that goes in or out of the Autonomous Zone.
    Provide their own services – Police, Fire, Medical, Sanitation, Utilities. Cut off every line going into the Autonomous Zone and make them build their own if they want services.
    I would give the Antifa p****es 12 hours before they give up and beg to go home.

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