CA judge rules San Diego County restaurants can reopen – IOTW Report

11 Comments on CA judge rules San Diego County restaurants can reopen

  1. Most of California is in lockdown until December 21st. Many restaurants in my area are ignoring it. I can dine indoors at family owned restaurants but not at the big chain fast food places. It’s working out great!

  2. If I had a business in CA that was ordered to close, they would have to send in armed LEO to close me down. And any edit any fucking court vomits would matter not a whit.

    I take that shit personal.

  3. …seems like businesses are being well-conditioned for nationalization, seeing as how they are already letting government set the terms for if, when, and how they will run their business…from what I see, they get most of their money in taxes and fees and fines too, so I’m not seeing how they are NOT nationalized at this point…

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