REPORT, Sidney Powell Met With President Trump in Oval Office to Discuss Vote Fraud – IOTW Report

REPORT, Sidney Powell Met With President Trump in Oval Office to Discuss Vote Fraud


The New York Times is reporting today on a Friday night visit between President Trump and lawyer Sidney Powell.   According to the Times President Trump’s legal counsel Rudy Giuliani was present via phone conference and White House counsel Pat A. Cipollone represented the office of the President.

There are essentially a few competing approaches still being provided to President Trump for consideration as the White House awaits an important report from Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, on what the DNI has affirmed was “foreign interference in the 2020 election.”

Rudy Giuliani and several members of the formal legal team seem to prefer President Trump using executive order #13848 upon, and as an outcome of, formal findings represented by DNI John Ratcliffe.

Use of that specific XO would make sense as the direct purpose of the 2018 order was targeted toward foreign interference. However, there is no specific information known as to which executive agency would carry out any authority if the issues directly highlight domestic election infrastructure targeting.

The Times reports “[p]art of the White House meeting on Friday night was a discussion about an executive order to take control of voting machines to examine them, according to one of the people briefed.”  However legal advisors to the office of president are unsure if DHS would have authority to impound Dominion ballot machines.  The 2018 executive order would seem to indicate that any office directed by the White House would have authority. This avenue would obviously depend on the DNI final report. read more

17 Comments on REPORT, Sidney Powell Met With President Trump in Oval Office to Discuss Vote Fraud

  1. All will be revealed on Dec 23!

    Wait, make that right after Christmas.

    On second thought, it would be best to hold off until the New Year. We’ll drop the bombshell right before, no, right after Congress receives the electoral votes.

    Or maybe make a stunning announcement just before the Inauguration.

    That’s it! That’s the ticket!

    Keep ‘em guessing.

  2. Please keep sending money! You don’t want to be the one responsible for the loss of America because you didn’t open your heart and wallet to save the country. Today only get 10x matching on your generous gift of $100 or more.

  3. All of these meetings suggest that Trump doesn’t know what to do, that there is no unproblematic response to this corrupt election. It appears to have been done “by the book” as far as a legal process even though anyone with eyes sees the corrupt truth.

    It’s like a robbery in broad daylight with many witnesses, but none of them saw enough to confidently identify even one perp. The police conclude that no crime occurred.

  4. if Biden/Harris get to try and run the country the next four years hopefully they won’t do too much damage and by then many who voted for them will flip when they remember the prosperity under Trump!
    Donald Trump is the greatest POTIS of my lifetime and I hope to vote for him or any of his children again.

  5. Ronterf

    Honestly pal, we were cheated. This election can not stand. I don’t know anybody ready to take 10 steps backwards. I mean my God, the Chinese just installed a retard and a whore as our appointed leaders. I don’t think so.

  6. Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese, I don’t care as long as it comes with fried rice and an egg roll.

    JD – I saw that video yesterday, pretty powerful message. Sadly too many people don’t have a clue. Like the slowly simmering frog boiling to death before it realizes what happened.

    And those that do get it, most will hope to make deal with the devil and hope he honors it, and/or accept their new subservient life.

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