AG Barr tells press that there was ‘no CIA misconduct’ in Trump-Russia spying – IOTW Report

AG Barr tells press that there was ‘no CIA misconduct’ in Trump-Russia spying

Does he know about John Brennan?

I thought Barr was packing his shit to leave?


Attorney General Bill Barr has effectively acquitted the Central Intelligence Agency of any wrongdoing as it pertains to the Russian collusion delusion hoax and conspiracy theory that was used to attack President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel this week, he revealed that he’d concluded relatively early-on that, unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the CIA hadn’t behaved badly during the Russia probe.

Mr. Barr was initially suspicious that agents had been spying on the Trump campaign before the official July 2016 start date of Crossfire Hurricane, and that the Central Intelligence Agency or foreign intelligence had played a role,” Strassel reported.

But even prior to naming Mr. Durham special counsel, Mr. Barr had come to the conclusion that he didn’t ‘see any sign of improper CIA activity’ or ‘foreign government activity before July 2016,’ he says. ‘The CIA stayed in its lane.’

That’s certainly good news for those worried about how far the tentacles of the “Deep State’ reach.

Whether or not the president’s most die-hard supporters will accept this conclusion, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter.

Some of his more zealous supporters are now wholly convinced that he himself is a “Deep State” operative full of nothing but lies: read more

25 Comments on AG Barr tells press that there was ‘no CIA misconduct’ in Trump-Russia spying

  1. Those in DC see everything through the blurred lens of the swamp. Not only that but Barr himself praised some of those involved including hes dear friend Robert Mueller.
    Even if he wanted to there’s no way Barr could be objective.
    Presidents come and go, the swamp ferments forever.

  2. The fact he deems it necessary, especially on his way out, to say the CIA is pure as the driven snow makes it all the more certain that they’re in this whole voter fraud scheme up to their eyeballs.

    Bet your ass

  3. “The country deserved to know how the world’s premier law-enforcement agency came to target and spy on a presidential campaign.”

    Yes, and they deserved to know BEFORE the election, when it could have done some good.

    They also deserved to know the extend and degree at which Dementia Joe was involved on Crossfire Hurricane, and the degree of criminality of the Biden family in general. Barr was responsible for keeping both tight lipped and locked away from the American people.

    Barr knew his boss got rat-fucked by the FBI, the Dems and the MSM,he admitted as much several times, and giving Trump a second term by exposing the corruption would have gone a long way in righting that wrong. Yet, he sat on his hands.

  4. I thought Barr was packing his shit to leave?

    Judging by what he’s done I’d say anything he needs to pack up
    would fit in a paper bag.

    How about a forensic “dump” of his phone for the heck of it?

  5. I keep seeing articles from conservatives and conservative sites saying that Barr served honorably and showed how professional and neutral and unpartisan he was, and then he opens his fucking mouth again and blows it all out of the water. We know too much about what actually happened, so the only two options left are that Barr’s either incompetent or he’s complicit.

  6. Tell that useless fat shit to get lost. Clown couldn’t find his cellulite infused ass with both hands and a flashlight, let alone discover any “wrongdoing” by his equally corrupt DC friends.

  7. “I thought Barr was packing his shit to leave?”

    Yeah, me too. He just has to get those last few knives into President Trump (and us, by extension) before he leaves. I just pray that they have the goods on him and he will be joining the rest of the swamp in Gitmo.

  8. I said long ago that Barr, Brennan, Clapper and Mueller were all promoted by President George. Therefore Barr would have divided loyalties.

    I WAS VERY WRONG! Barr is totally s UNIPARTY man. Clearly puts UNIPARTY before country!

    I apologize!

  9. I do not get this:

    But even prior to naming Mr. Durham special counsel, Mr. Barr had come to the conclusion that he didn’t ‘see any sign of improper CIA activity’ or ‘foreign government activity before July 2016,’ he says. ‘The CIA stayed in its lane.’”

    Who cares about what the CIA did prior to July 2016. It’s what it did after that date that’s important, isn’t it?


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