A Christmas Message for Dr. Fauci – IOTW Report

A Christmas Message for Dr. Fauci


Wayne Allyn Root-

This can’t be a mistake. No one can be this dumb. No one can be this clueless. Not even Democrats. Not even moronic Democratic governors. Not even nanny-state government bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci just asked Americans to cancel Christmas. He said, “…it’s just one of those things you’re going to have to accept.” He reported he would not even allow his own three daughters to come home for Christmas this year. He wants all Americans to “painfully” isolate. He says he and his wife will be spending the holiday alone.

I have a message for Dr Fauci: “First, not just no. HELL NO. This is America. This is a free country. If we want to celebrate Christmas, we will. If we want to go to church, we will. If we want to spend the holidays with our children, we will. We’re adults. We make our own decisions. This isn’t a nanny state. It’s not the Soviet Union. It’s not Nazi Germany. We don’t need government bureaucrats telling us what to do, how to live our lives or how to spend the holidays.

Second, you’re a typical Ivy League egghead. You’re too smart for your own good. You have IQ but clearly no emotional intelligence. And certainly no common sense.

Third, how can I see this nicely? SCREW YOU. I love my family. I love my children. I love Christmas. I don’t know you. I don’t owe you. And I don’t answer to you.” read more

31 Comments on A Christmas Message for Dr. Fauci

  1. This stuff is never going to end, it is intended to destroy your personal identity and sense of self and keep it that way.

    Get used to it and learner how to at least survive with it, that’s your only option this side of death.

  2. Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    To live

    They got little hands
    And little eyes
    And they walk around
    Tellin’ great big lies
    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet

  3. Excuse me, shit-for-brains?
    All you wannabe tyrants better get it in your heads that free people do as they please. People that interfere have unpleasant things done to them. Once that shit spools up, there will be no stopping it.
    A big holiday “FUCK YOU” to you and yours, too.

  4. I know a woman in her mid 40s that is deathly terrified of the virus (too much MSM). A mask wearing zealot. She is driving from TX to NC with her husband and kids to see her elderly mother. She has insisted on everyone getting Covid tests and she probably will wear her mask during the trip everywhere but even she is not adhering to this cancel Christmas crap. Ironically she’ll have a higher chance of dying in a car accident driving to NC than she has of even catching Covid but reality doesn’t matter when people operate with fear.

  5. I went to the store called Walmart to get some pull-ups for my kids last week and when I was checking out a woman in the line said: I saw you come in and tell the the mask enforcers I’m here to buy shit, not rob the place. I don’t use masks as you blew past them. I said: Yea so? She said she has seen me at Homo Depot and Costco with my grand kids w/o a mask. I had to correct her, they are my kids, and I don’t wear masks.

    If more people would just ignore the assholes this would have been over by May

  6. Hay Fauci,
    You practice medicine about as well as you throw a baseball. Your only off by 10 yards over 60 feet.
    Huge error rate. The MD after your name is for Mostly Deranged.

  7. Fauci claims he and his wife are spending Christmas alone, not letting his kids come home.
    Bulls**t! They aren’t coming home ’cause they hate his sorry ass just as much as I do.

  8. Fauci, you and your communist cohorts can get bent. I will do AS I PLEASE, to hell with your FAKE ASS PANDEMIC and your “special covid” version of the everyday flu. Piss on your attempt to spread fear.. Where are all these deaths you talk about ? From the evidence of the total deaths in this country this year, no different than other years, where the hell are all the Covid Deaths ? You are a crappy liar.. you are complicit with the treasonous Democrat party. You will be treated accordingly when the time comes for traitors to be sentenced, your coup failed, and you will pay the price asshole.

  9. My disabled vet brother was hunted down in Sam’s Club by 3 Scarborough, ME police officers. You should have seen it. It looked like they were hunting a criminal. Pointing, going up and down aisles, talking on radios. They found him and escorted him out. Because he didn’t have on a mask.

    Fauci can pound sand and spend a lonely Christmas at home because no one wants to listen to him spout his anti- American bulloney.
    How can you be such a douche and not know it when you look in the mirror?

  10. This is the same a**hole who told kids that Christmas could still happen because HE, FAUCI, THE SAVIOR OF ALL, had personally given Santa the vaccine.

    I do not have enough middle fingers the come near expressing my loathing for this tin-pot egomaniac.

  11. ..you know, the really sad and messed up thing about this is that many people, particuarly older people, buy into the fearmongering because they didn’t grow up with a radical goverenment and don’t have the distrust built in, and also because they have been deliberately, expertly scared by people who do that for a living.

    I have a personal example.

    There was an older gentleman in my church who died of leukemia. He started having issues with it WELL before the Coof was ever heard of, dropped a ton of weight, kind of got better, than got worse. He went to treatments regularly and the doctor dutifully chronicaled all the things that were failing (heart, lungs, etc.) because of it, wife went to treatments and hospital with them, it was the standard and sad story of someone battling cancer, one that many here are very well aware of because they are living it.

    That’s plenty enough for ANYONE to deal with.

    There was some joy eariler in the year, because this man brought his sister to the church who was also not young, but listened to the Word and the Spirit moved, and she became saved one joyous day, and dedicated her life to Christ and started showing up on the regular.

    She was single and she struck up a relationship with a single Brother in the church. They started dating, he drove them to the church, and a late life romance blossomed to the point when they told the Church they were affianced.

    Then the Coof lie started.

    Suddenly my friend’s wife was locked out of his doctor and hospital visits. Suddenly he took a turn although never had symptoms other than those he’d displayed previously, like weight loss and CHF.

    Suddenly, he was Dx’d with Covid.

    …they put him in the hospital, on lockdown, let her talk to him on the phone every once in a while, and we heard about his decline at one remove through her. It started to turn into a story we’d heard with other elderly relatives BEFORE Coof, where the hospital kept saying things like ‘he’s restless so we need to give him morphine for anxiety’ even though he wasn’t in pain and was not usually like that in MANY previous hospital stays. We told her she had to watch the hospital like a hawk because they WOULD morph him until he couldn’t breathe any more, seen THAT before God help me, …but she couldn’t.

    Because Covid locked her out.

    And she couldn’t talk to him any more.

    Because they doped him.

    Then the messages got more and more dire.

    He couldn’t breathe (because they’d doped the HELL out of him, that’s what respiratory depressants like opiods DO), so they put him on a ventilator.

    Then they blew one lung out.

    Then they blew the other lung out.

    And all she could do was hear these snippet reports in horror.

    My wife and I could not transfer our experience with this to her to stop them, and she was so scared by the crap they were spewing that she wouldn’t dare gainsay anything they wanted to do anyway.

    Plus, she wasn’t in the room like we were in our situations. Covid, dontchaknow. No chance to talk to them, to find out if they were telling the truth.

    No chance to stop them.

    So, once they blew out both lungs in this END STAGE LEUKEMIA PATIENT, they said, “COVID DEATH”.

    No muss, no fuss, no pesky malpractice suits possible. Coof got ’em, too dangerous to do anything but jam him in the ground ASAP, can’t even have an open coffin, too dangerous.


    …They scared his wife so bad that she turned into a zealous maskhole, becoming convinced he got it at the church. Our Pastor did NOT insist on mask, but we wore them anyway because we wanted our sister to worship with us.

    But it was absolutely terrible what it did to his sister.

    SHE became more and more sure that COVID lurked on every surface, around every corner, in every pew, on every hymnal, coming out of every singer’s breath and every Pastor’s sermon. She pulled away after being more and more isolated, retracted to her house and refuses to leave for ANY reason, sure that SHE will be NEXT. My poor Brother in Christ has such a time, she doesn’t want HIM around if he’s gonna be exposed to SO…MUCH…COVID, so HE can’t go to church AND see her too. It is TRAGIC how badly they’ve ruined this woman, and drove her to fear the House of the Lord itself over it.

    Just as satan intended.

    All for a seasonal flu blown up by a political media to destroy a President to the point where a greedy and incompetent “medical profession” blames even leukemia deaths on it.


    This MUST be some kind of test, because I haven’t been able to forgive fuckers like Fauci for this evil, and for Democrats for ruining these lives. Guess you could say they’re costing me MY Victory too, since if I can’t forgive, I won’t be forgiven.

    But I can’t.

    I would forgive them if they were executed for their evil.

    I would forgive them if they were dead and buried with their curses brought home to them.

    I would forgive them if they did an airdance on a gibbet.

    But I cannot forgive them as living men who still push the same evil and continue to destroy lives, all for petty, temporal, political gain.


    …There’s a lot of people running up a lot of bills.

    …And I’m hoping they come due real, real soon.

    …And I would be more than happy to be a collector…

  12. I was at the store yesterday and there was this couple probably in their mid-60’s with their stupid masks on. A lady working in the store asked them how they had been doing and if their kids were coming home for Christmas. They said no, it would just be them two alone and she said that was sad they wouldn’t be seeing those beautiful grandkids. The lady said they would miss them but it was for the best and a small sacrifice to make so everyone could stay healthy.
    I bit my tongue and didn’t spout off what I was thinking, “You’re in the store talking to a woman two feet away from you thinking your mask is keeping you healthy, how stupid are you? As for a small sacrifice, what if you’re not alive next Christmas? How are your grandkids going to feel if you aren’t alive that the last Christmas their grandparents were alive they didn’t spend it with them so everyone could stay healthy?”

    It’s like these people I hear say they got Covid(I always correct people who say that and tell them either it’s the Kung Flu or Chinese flu) and are so sick, never been so sick in their lives. Their symptoms are always fever, hurting all over, coughing and sore throat. Yep, sounds like the flu and I doubt all of them have never had the flu in their lifetime. However, since someone told them an unreliable test said they had the Kung Flu, they’re deathly ill.

  13. Tony “The Worm” Fauci needs to accompany his sold Soul hanging down here proudly next to Hillary Clinton’s in Satan’s closet.

    To paraphrase Hussein Obama, “You reach a point, Fauci, when you’ve lived enough years.”

  14. burner
    DECEMBER 21, 2020 AT 3:40 PM
    “@SNS – Don’t ask me to forgive them until they ask for forgiveness, usually when they die.”.

    …and that’s a problem for us. I don’t ask you to forgive anyone.

    But God does.

    If we can’t forgive, we can’t be forgiven.

    “14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

    15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    Matthew 6:14-15

    …so very literally, they will take us to hell WITH them if we can’t forgive.

    And right now, I can’t.

    …and that only makes me hate them even more…

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