Young America’s Foundation Saves Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home – IOTW Report

Young America’s Foundation Saves Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home Young America’s Foundation (YAF) is excited to announce that YAF is the new caretaker and owner of President Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home in Dixon, Illinois. YAF looks forward to carrying on the important work of preserving and protecting this historic property, which has been managed and cared for by the Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation since 1980.

Growing up in Dixon, Illinois—in a modest home built in 1891—was a formative experience for Ronald Reagan. It was there, in the 1920s, that he developed the values that would guide the rest of his life. As Reagan said of his hometown, “All of us have to have a place we go back to. Dixon is that place for me. There was the life that has shaped my body and mind for all the years to come.”

Now, YAF is ensuring that Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home will be preserved for future generations, just as YAF has preserved and protected Ronald Reagan’s beloved Rancho del Cielo in Santa Barbara, California.

As the nation’s leading conservative youth organization, YAF understands the importance of Ronald Reagan’s earnest belief that “there is a flickering spark in us all which, if struck at just the right age…can light the rest of our lives.” read more

2 Comments on Young America’s Foundation Saves Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home

  1. In my clan all men have been Dem for many generations. Not liberal GWB Dems but Ronny Dems. I was a Ronny Dem 70 years ago.
    He was a little smarter than i. 60 years ago he said, “My party has not only nominated a Commie but elected him President. It left me!”. It still took him a year to get to norwalk and become a republican.

    I was a Ronny Dem 1064 when I watched “THE SPEECH” . A few weeks later I voted for BARRY. NO REGRETS! 1 Would vote Barry today!

    BTW. Bush +Rove lie when they say he was a lib!
    A union president Democrat was interrogated by HUAC in ’47 (I could read then; im old, but was a precocious kid)His answers were those only conservative would give. His name RWR. I voted for him every chance I got, changed party for him!


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