Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

Gateway Pundit:

Attorney Sidney Powell was back at the White House again on Monday afternoon.

This is Powell’s 3rd visit to the White House in the last 4 days.

President Trump on Monday also huddled with GOP lawmakers for several hours and discussed contesting the electoral college vote because of massive Democrat voter fraud.

According to reports, Trump met with several members of Congress including Matt Gaetz and Mo Brooks. read more

8 Comments on Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

  1. ^^^
    Pat Robertson’s is probably part of the Christian Mafia, and yes there is such a thing. If you doubt me ask somebody in the Christian music industry.
    Joe and Ho are be as anti-christian as you get yet Robertson says Trump is erratic and he’s lied about things. I wonder if he can find anybody that hasn’t lied on this planet besides Jesus?
    Funny how he doesn’t point out Joe biden’s lies.

  2. “Funny how he doesn’t point out Joe biden’s lies.”

    One, two, a dozen, a thousand, all of them? Far easier to point out the times Xiden has told the truth. He did admit to election fraud but I can’t think of any other examples.


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