Gretchen Whitmer is an evil demonbitch – IOTW Report

Gretchen Whitmer is an evil demonbitch

She sent out one of her shitkickers to shut down a business.

MI Compliance Agent Gave Sob Story To Restaurant Owner for Meal…Then It Was Busted for COVID Lockdown Violation.

…He said the owner thought nothing of helping someone in need. But, according to Barrett, it was not simply a man down on his luck, but rather an agent of the Liquor Control Commission was who was apparently attempting to entrap the business owner.

21 Comments on Gretchen Whitmer is an evil demonbitch

  1. It’s her husbands fault. The woman wants to be dominated. Throbbing things stuck in her orifices. But he’s to busy trying to sneak his boat out on the lake. So she makes the rest of the state suffer. She’s got an itch he can’t scratch. Someones gotta, “Scratch that bitch. When a problem comes along, you must penetrate it”. I know, good night.



    2020 WASN’T SHIT, 2021 IS INBOUND!!



  3. …this compliance ruse is pretty common, where they try to play on sympathy to sting you.

    When I was working for Sears Auto in the waning days of R-12 refrigerant, Democrats demonized something so safe it could be a propellant for asthma inhalers into that years Biggest Threat To Mankind, but we were still allowed to use it but the Company had to buy these realllly expensive reclamation units and we had to get a State issued Bunny Hugger card documenting training in the eeeevils of Freon that had all these dippy restrictions like you had to have 6″ isolating extensions on your gouges because a foot of lost Freon in a very narrow tube was OK, but 6 feet was too much. Yes, as stupid and arbitrary as COVID rules, because Democrats and the devil are not creative. Anyway, during election years “Get Sears” was a way for a DA to make a name for himself, because at the time Sears was huge and well-known, and not very liked as an eeeevil corporation, so they always came for them, particularly in shitholes like New Jersey. On one occasion, they sent a guy to a Sears store who had some story about he was in a big hurry but needed his AC to bring his Moms home from the hospital and couldn’t they just hurry up and check it already, huh? Well, Sears managers surrendered as fast as Republicans back then and harassed mechs usually did as they were told, so a guy slapped his gauges on the car without putting the jesses on and it turned out to be an undercover inspector. BOOM, store shut down for 6 months and a huge fine, and lots of negative press on the PM news.

    Sears told us to wheel the reclamation units out back and hammer them into scrap, they were done with the air conditioning business.

    …they did crap like this a LOT. I could tell you about the time some DA gonged them for brake service with such a stupid and broad ruling that people were showing up by the bus load to claim refunds for car service with absolutely no proof, but this is already too long so that’s a different story for another day…

  4. Yes, SNS, and now, and for many years, we have to have an EPA license for 30 pounds and over of 134.

    134, if you remember, was “canned air” for blowing out keyboards and electrical chassis, filters, and cleaning chainsaws when we didn’t have a compressor in the woods. Also very good for blowing out carburrettors and freezing warts.

    We also used it, the liquid form, to find overheated components on boards.

  5. stirrin

    I don’t do dudes bro. More musac, “Poked in the ass, and you’re to blame, you’ve got a really bad aim”. Yes, no? OK, now good nite. The Republic is depending on you Stirrin Getter done. LOL

  6. Isn’t entrapment in and of itself a crime? Also, wouldn’t it just be lovery if Gretchen finally got the mirrors in her hag house fixed? Then she could finally see what we’re all being exposed to and maybe never leave home again out of embarrassment.

    I mean that bitch has a face so sour it curdles milk, it makes babies cry, it dries up entire riverbeds.

    Dat ugly ass bitch. I feel bad for her.


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