Lawsuit calls for allowing 5 states’ legislatures to certify electors before congressional count – IOTW Report

Lawsuit calls for allowing 5 states’ legislatures to certify electors before congressional count

Just The News: The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society has lodged a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia that calls for the legislatures in five states to be permitted to certify electors before the congressional count occurs.

Those five states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to a press release from the Amistad Project.

“The lawsuit argues that current federal and local statutes interfere with state legislatures’ constitutional right to certify Presidential electors, in a direct violation of separation of powers. It also cites an Amistad Project white paper which illustrates how the Electoral College vote deadline of December 14 is arbitrary and does not apply to the contested states,” the press release says. “Currently, state law and the executive branch refusal have prevented state legislatures from meeting as a body to review, investigate and debate the method in which the election was conducted.” more

5 Comments on Lawsuit calls for allowing 5 states’ legislatures to certify electors before congressional count

  1. “The lawsuit argues that current federal and local statutes interfere with state legislatures’ constitutional right to certify Presidential electors, in a direct violation of separation of powers.”

    I would like to see how they are arguing this, the legal reasoning involved, does anyone know where a copy of the filing can be found?

  2. If anyone thinks it’s time to hide them, it’s likely the time to use them. Voting didn’t work, the courts won’t hear the obvious evidence and our supposedly responsive local elected officials are under the thumb of the criminal class in the swamp.

    Please tell me about a peaceful alternative.

  3. Today is Pence day and i predict it will come and go without Pence doing shit.

    Pass the buck to the state legislators. That’s what chickenshit Pence will do.

    And the state legislators will not do jack shit except plead for someone else to do something. Is it because they are all chickenshit, or because doing nothing is what they really want and they just want to make a show like they’re on our side. I don’t know.
    but i do know one thing.

    the republican party is not going to save any of us from JACK. SHIT.

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