Catholic League: ‘The Left Always Screws the Poor’ – IOTW Report

Catholic League: ‘The Left Always Screws the Poor’

Breitbart: Catholic League president Bill Donohue has noted history’s great irony that “no segment of society punishes the poor more than those who champion their cause.”

In a scathing essay Tuesday, Dr. Donohue insists that the latest Marxist to “screw the poor” is New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is undermining the cause of the lower classes by alienating those who generate wealth and create jobs.

De Blasio’s scheme to raise taxes on the rich in order to “redistribute wealth” and to close the “COVID achievement gap” is senseless, Donohue observes, since “the rich are leaving New York in droves” because of the city’s absurdly high taxes and taxing them at a higher rate “will only encourage more to leave.”

“They are taking their tax contributions and their jobs with them,” he adds.

Despite de Blasio’s claims, “fleecing the rich will do absolutely nothing to enhance academic achievement,” Donohue observes. “We have known for decades that there is no correlation between spending on students per capita and academic achievement.”

While de Blasio focuses on race, he turns a blind eye to the real causes of poverty and underachievement, Donohue asserts, noting that Asians are “people of color,” yet they have no problem succeeding in school. read more

10 Comments on Catholic League: ‘The Left Always Screws the Poor’

  1. The only reason the majority of the poor are poor in the first place is because they keep believing the promises the Left makes to them instead of doing something to improve their situation.

  2. God has a special place for the poor in his heart. There is a plethora of instances in both Old and New testaments of how He cares for them and provides for their needs. In one of Jesus’ Parables for instance, He talks about Lazarus and the rich man. The poor man is being held in the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man is tormented in Hades with thirst. God provides and punishes so I will defer to Him what to do with those who scheme to misuse the poor.

  3. But Nancy said “Democrats are doing the Lord’s work”, so I guess the church resuming the practice of indulgences, and soaking the poor on a promise of a chance at everlasting life is doing His bidding.

  4. @ Anonymous DECEMBER 23, 2020 AT 10:55 AM

    Winner, Winner!! Chicken Dinner!

    That is the long and short of it.

    The progressive movement is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Not only do they prey on the left in order to enrich themselves, they are compelled to do so by the same motivating force that drives many serial killers or other sociopaths .

    Never concede good intentions to the left, it is NEVER warranted.

  5. If anybody knows about fleecing the poor, it would be the Catholic Church, they’ve had 3500 years of practice. To the communist left, the poor are nothing more then a voting block, to be used and discarded every voting cycle.


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