Your child’s misery is a price the NEA is willing to pay – IOTW Report

Your child’s misery is a price the NEA is willing to pay

Acton Institute –

The National Education Association has released a new report admitting that virtual schooling has subjected America’s youngest and poorest students to “learning loss,” “social-emotional challenges,” and “trauma.” However, the nation’s largest teachers union implies that schoolchildren’s setbacks should rank below the interests of its 3 million dues-paying members, because kids are “resilient.”

The NEA and National PTA surveyed more than 1,300 middle school and high school students about how they have been faring since states banned in-person education. The final report makes for painful reading. Consider this sample of the tortured cries raised by children as young as 13:

“I feel like a Zoom Zombie.” “I used to get better grades before the virus and now I am stressed out.” “My dad took a hefty pay cut and has less in-person work.” “I don’t have friends to talk to.” “I got sick. My mom, too. It was hard because hospital payments were so high.” “I wish it would end and go back to normal again.”

Worse, the NEA adds, “[T]he trauma and disruption of 2020 will play an enduring role in their lives.”

The union proceeds to wave away these complaints by saying that “76 percent [of schoolchildren] agree they are getting a good education, including 74 percent of those who attend online, full-time.” But in a graphic hidden well down the page, the report eventually confesses, “Students report significant academic decline since COVID.” Half of all students who had been receiving a good education no longer are, and the number of children who say they are “struggling” academically has more than tripled: MORE

SNIP: Maybe if some of the mommy and daddies paid more attention to their children’s education instead of busily being WOKE, lock-downs wouldn’t be a ‘thing’ right now.

11 Comments on Your child’s misery is a price the NEA is willing to pay

  1. “Maybe if some of the mommy and daddies paid more attention to their children’s education instead of busily being WOKE, lock-downs wouldn’t be a ‘thing’ right now.”

    Exactly, and further more if I were a kid and locked down after my parents made sure I understood the lesson I’d be on my way to the park or school yard for a little lock down flag football with my pals.
    The big benefit of this is no freaken state indoctrination. Imagine how depressed those pioneer kids were. We’re turning into a nation of pussies.

  2. Actually your child’s misery is a goal the NEA is striving for. The NEA is not only invested in the progressive movement, the NEA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement. The progressive movement exists to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  3. Most of the NEA types only pretend to care about the kids because it helps them get more money. By the time you factor in retirement and healthcare, most teachers are paid quite a bit more than the private sector. They whine about being underpaid but it’s a lie.

  4. Financing Public Skools make up a major portion of taxation at the local level. Real Estate, personal property and state lotteries are all ‘for the children’.

    It’s time for the great reckoning with the communist education mafia. Time to go to pods, groups of people who can teach small groups of children independent of government. Then. Refuse to finance the crap government and its teachers unions.

  5. Sorry, i dont mean to rub it in and gloat but when people came here for the rally from across the nation, they all said it was like America used to be.

    Well, maybe i am gloating.

  6. All this stops when we get nation wide vouchers to send (your) kids anywhere you want, private or government.
    Competition is the bread and butter of quality.
    Don’t like it, stop sucking at what you do. When it becomes about the product of education rather than the producers or government indoctrinators.
    Case closed.


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