Website Invites Parents to Track ‘Woke’ Curriculum in Schools – IOTW Report

Website Invites Parents to Track ‘Woke’ Curriculum in Schools


A new website is tracking woke curriculum and liberal indoctrination in schools and invites parents to submit examples from their children’s schools.

The website, titled “What Are They Learning?,” describes itself as a “crowd-sourced site created by Luke Rosiak, an investigative journalist and data analyst in the Washington, D.C. area who has written about the impact of ‘Equity’ on schools across the country.”

The interactive site, which suggests parents think of it as “Woke-e-Leaks,” observes parents across the country suddenly became aware of what their children are being taught ‘behind closed doors” when schools shut down in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. more

8 Comments on Website Invites Parents to Track ‘Woke’ Curriculum in Schools

  1. This is EXCELLENT and what is needed. ‘Aim the weapon’, back at them…their language, their strategies.

    Put these bastards on notice.

    Resist we must, we must resist – Al Sharpton

    Always remember, the opposite of woke is ‘Based’…

  2. I urge all parents to utilize this. You would not believe what they are teaching. Common Core may have taken a back seat to all that’s been going on this year, but it’s still alive. If a state tells you they have dumped Common Core, beware. They may have dumped the program, but the ideology behind it has been adopted, tweaked and instituted in the majority of the states.

    One minor issue: Students are being harmed by standards many cannot achieve; and I don’t mean academically. What they are being forced to do is college-age research during the standardized tests. Those who want to pursue a trade or have no desire for college are being forced to learn and test as if they are preparing for college.

    Then, the type of information they are required to read and respond to include revised history (during the Revolutionary War, the Loyalists were the good guys and the Patriots were the mean bad guys), climate change and social justice.

    Believe me, you want to know what your children are being force fed.

  3. See here Heritage of the Middle East: During the Age of Imperialism, European interference in the Middle East spurred the growth of nationalist movements whose effects are still being felt today.THIS IS WHAT is said at the Online Resources. Europe interferred in ME is what is said–not that ME sided with the NAZIS during WW2. Also here is says foreign invaders set up their own kingdoms in the ME–NOT ME under the Caliphate tried to conquer the rest of the ancient world. A lot can be understood from the “Online Resources” even if you don’t have a student code to log in.

  4. If it was just the public school indoctrination it still may be solvable but it’s not. Compounding the problem is the constant bombardment of leftist sewage from smart phones, laptops etc that keeps their heads marinating in lies.
    The problem requires eliminating those in control of high tech.

  5. So long overdue. Will help at the college and university level as well, as (indoctrinated) applicants expect to see wokeness on campuses also. I was stunned to hear how many public school teachers think teaching “social justice” (their version of it) is their role – no wonder the kids cannot do math or science. From personal experience, the teaching of so-called social justice (and environmentalism, for that matter) lacks any critical thinking component. The good thing is that students’ beliefs in this s*** is based on literally nothing, and crumbles when it it challenged with little things like facts.


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