NY Could Lose US House Seat Because So Many People Are Fleeing – IOTW Report

NY Could Lose US House Seat Because So Many People Are Fleeing

National Pulse: More residents escaped from New York over the last year than from any other state, according to estimates released by the US Census Bureau on Tuesday. more

15 Comments on NY Could Lose US House Seat Because So Many People Are Fleeing

  1. They’re coming to Maine. Specifically Portland. If you go to the high price part of town, the East End, you see more NY plates than ME.
    They’re already voting for the sewer pit policies they ran from. High min. wage, and all of it.
    They’re too stupid to realize they ruined their own state and city and are now come here to help Herr General Mills ruin Maine.

  2. That’s what you call voting with your 2 feet and middle finger on both hands. NYC is in deep dodo, it’s predictable to see what their end game is going to be. They’ve destroyed it and they’re proud of it – DeBlasio and Cuomo, I’m expecting bad things to happen to those two commies.

  3. It would help if red states simply closed their borders with blue states. That would bottle up the commies in four areas so they would leave the rest of us alone.

    Another thought is for red states to prohibit voter registration to any resident whose previous residence was in a blue state.

    Fantasy-land, to be sure, but an attractive one…

  4. “It was also the state with the nation’s biggest population decline, followed by Illinois with a 0.63 percent dip, Hawaii with 0.61 percent and West Virginia with 0.58 percent.”

    I’ve been seeing Illinois plates here (NE In) for YEARS. Unfortunately, I think they’ve been bringing that “Illinois attitude” as well as their politics.


  5. Anymouse, except for Kane, Will, and DuPage counties that are actually growing, I assure you with 110% democrats. All of which used to be conservative places to live. Now democrat hellholes. The recently elected mayor of my town is a slimy smug progressive, pushing progressive policies at an astonishing rate. I can’t wait to sell my house for what I bought it for 2 decades ago after $200k+ of remodeling and GTFO. Crossing my fingers the bottom doesn’t totally fall out in the next year when I plan on leaving.

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