Skinflint Obamas Tell-Tales About the Quarantine Guest Who Ate Too Much – IOTW Report

Skinflint Obamas Tell-Tales About the Quarantine Guest Who Ate Too Much

CanadaFreePress: Poor, poor multi-millionaires Barack and Michelle Obama, whose grocery bills shot up “30 percent” when Malia’s 22-year-old boyfriend Rory Farquharson quarantined with the family in the early days of the corona pandemic outbreak last March.

The tragic tale was the very last piece on Britain’s Daily Mail yesterday.

It seems that America’s self-appointed “Resistance” leader watched every morsel Farquharson ate while quarantining with the Obamas.

This is the takeaway from the Obamas’ on their quarantine guest:

‘The only thing you discover… [is] young men eat,’ Obama said. (Daily Mail, Dec. 19, 2020)

‘It’s weird to watch them consume food. And my grocery bill went up about 30 percent.’”

How charitable of Barack Hussein Obama, the former president who never went away!

During the early days of the coronavirus pandemic most folk were not watching how much their fellow quarantiners were eating but were more worried about the possibility of the media-hyped pandemic cutting off their access to food.

From the same Daily Mail story: “Overall, Obama appeared to look at the quarantine through a positive lens, noting the unexpected time he was able to spend with his daughters.”

How self-serving and selfish given that countless sons and daughters had to wave heartbreaking ‘Hellos’ through plate glass windows to elderly parents quarantined in long care nursing homes.

This is how Obama described how Malia’s boyfriend became a member of the family quarantine:

“‘There was this whole visa thing, he had a job set up, and so we took him in,’ Obama said on the podcast. ‘And I didn’t want to like him, but he’s a good kid.’” (Daily Mail)

And just in case you care how the Obamas spent their time during their quarantine: more

h/t Not at all confused

35 Comments on Skinflint Obamas Tell-Tales About the Quarantine Guest Who Ate Too Much

  1. Did you also see the picture of them paddling some sort of canoe device. That skinny little faggot, barry in the back, and the linebacker, Big Mike in front. They don’t know much about weight distribution in canoes.

  2. ….poor multi-millionaires Barack and Michelle Obama, whose grocery bills shot up “30 percent”….

    That’s because they are used to the tax-payer covering their expenses and not having to open their own wallet.

  3. I guess the rental company they contracted their “kids” from didn’t cover the guy boning the ostensible ‘daughter’. They’re bitching about having to cover costs for an outside actor.

    They’re probably on firm legal ground about this.

  4. Joe 6

    You need to be assertive. Crack down on the hired help. Let them know exactly what you expect. I’ll wait here. If you’re physically able report back on how that conversation went. Lol

  5. How much extra did it cost in domestic help to wash the little freeloader’s clothes, clean up after him and keep him well stocked with fags and pints of beer? Never mind a few extra secret service agents to keep him secure.

  6. Barry complains about a “guest” eating too much food by 30% – how exact. It shouldn’t matter – American taxpayers are paying for their expenses. Barry just hates not being the center of attention.
    He’s also jealous and crushing on his “daughter’s boyfriend.

    BTW, Barry and Moochelle aren’t required to wear masks while kayaking. Apparently, none of the Covid scheme rules apply to these two elite tools.

  7. Pulling the weight for two in that kayak across ocean waves amply demonstrates that the 56 year old Big Mike’s gonads remain in full vigorous testosterone production.

  8. barry and mooch the real “beverly hillbilly’s”

    i bet no one knows the last time mooch missed a meal.

    f’n grifters, i bet they haven’t paid for food for the last 16 years.


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