As virus spikes, New York City paramedics robbed twice in a week responding to bogus emergency calls – IOTW Report

As virus spikes, New York City paramedics robbed twice in a week responding to bogus emergency calls

A union president in part blames NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for “defunding the police.”

10 Comments on As virus spikes, New York City paramedics robbed twice in a week responding to bogus emergency calls

  1. Guaran-damn-tee you that very same Union financially supports the mayor because the mayor is a commie. Anyone wanna bet their pension plan is under funded but they have money to support leftist campaigns like DeBlasio?

  2. …yep, thats what I’ve been saying all along. Fire/EMS does not exist in a vacuum, and neither do hospitals. Locks can’t be used on emergency equipment because it isn’t accessible in an emergency that way, and all a lock does is keep honest people honest anyway, as they can be accessed by coercion or force. Take away the police and the rest of the structure is left bare.

    And once the medic units are stripped, it will dawn on folks that the hospitals are vulnerable too.

    And they have MUCH better drugs, and those doctors SURE have nice cars…

  3. …in my day the police almost ALWAYS beat us to a scene. One, they were already on their cars roving, and one or more was usually close; and two, as this demonstrates, you never REALLY know whats going on at a scene until you get there, and people aren’t ALWAYS forthcoming when talking to 911.

    People don’t seem to realize the police are trained first responders too, do carry some basic lifesaving supplies, and do sometimes do rescues AHEAD of fire/EMS. Not always exactly correctly, true, but they DO save lives.

    …also, I’ve walked into some pretty hairy situations armed with nothing but a goofy face and a rescue holster, because I’m not there for the purpose of doing MORE damage, but mitigating damage already done. Well, not EVERYONE wants you to save a life THEY tried to END, and sometimes the suicides don’t want you to save them, either…and sometimes the damage was done in criminal activity, and they aren’t happy if you find that OUT.

    I’ve even had bangers try to follow the squad to the hospital to try to finish the job there. I’ve had a crazy guy set his own house on fire so he could shoot at the first responder. I’ve had battered women and abused children who I had to have the abuser and battered removed to even find out what the REAL damage is. I’ve had to have idiots arrested for trying to go into buildings that were evacuated BECAUSE THEY WERE ON FIRE.

    …and the druggies and their dealers ain’t always happy to see you, either…

    …point being, EMS doesn’t always know what they’re walking into, and are not armed because that’s not what they do, and they couldn’t do because that would make their PRIMARY purpose IMPOSSIBLE.

    Besides, anything you as a medic broke on someone, you had to FIX. Just more work, and more paperwork, too.

    WAY more paperwork…

    …for some tasks, you NEED a good guy with a gun.

    …take THAT away, and the whole system collapses…

  4. Political dictators. I had that discussion with my brother and my brother yesterday. “Trump is a dictator” regardless that he has done nothing that is illegal or hasn’t don’t what democrats have done.
    I still love my family, but they could not acknowledge what has been done in the past by the left.
    Regardless, we still admitted that we do still love each other, even if we do not politically agree. I am not sure that they do accept that there really is another perspective. I will continue to push from the right


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