Ad: “America deserved an honest election. Democrats made sure we didn’t get one.” – IOTW Report

Ad: “America deserved an honest election. Democrats made sure we didn’t get one.”

Just The News –

The Trump campaign is not giving up.

The president’s team on Wednesday put out another ad alleging that voter fraud took place on Election Day pivotal Georgia and that dead people voted in battleground Wisconsin.

“America deserved an honest election. This is what they got,” a voice-over says as security footage shows suitcases of alleged ballots being wheeled into counting area. read more

8 Comments on Ad: “America deserved an honest election. Democrats made sure we didn’t get one.”

  1. There isn’t going to be any magic, no special forces making arrests etc. President Trump’s only hope is that those wanting honest elections have had enough and will protest in large enough numbers that it scares the cowardly elected officials.
    People need to stay on the ass of their reps!

  2. “Every country has the government it deserves.”
    (de Maistre)

    Sadly, we have allowed ourselves to be apatheticized into slavery.
    This “election” was a farce – and everyone KNEW it was going to be a farce – probably a year ago – and STILL we allowed them to impose this farce!

    If we allow this to continue, and allow the traitors to continue their treasonous acts from their high perches, then we get exactly what we “deserve.”

    “Come Rack! Come Rope!”

    socializmo delenda est …
    izlamo delenda est …
    tyrannis delenda est …

  3. Alleging fraud and recognizing this Charlie Foxtrot for what it is are different in kind, not degree. The vast majority of people and even a substantial percentage of subhuman POS leftists recognize that this “election” was a sham. I observed that dynamic about the 10th of November and have read a few articles recently wherein others have made the same observation

  4. Election fraud is TREASON – it undermines the Republic – and makes a mockery of the “democratic process.”

    We must treat it as the TREASON it is: summary execution of those who practice it and those who enable it and those who finance it.

    Why we pretend that electoral fraud is “just a fly in the ointment” is confounding – and will cost us our Liberty (if it hasn’t already).

    izlamo delenda est …


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