President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Wish America a Merry Christmas – IOTW Report

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Wish America a Merry Christmas

GP: America’s greatest President and most beautiful First Lady stand tall in the face of the unspeakable election fraud coming out of the 2020 election. China, the Democrats and world elites created more than 20 million fraudulent ballots in order to steal the election from President Trump who set the record for the most votes in US history. watch

7 Comments on President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Wish America a Merry Christmas

  1. From a small corner of a grateful nation I say “Thank you President Trump and Merry Christmas to you and your family.”

    What would America be like if Trump hadn’t been president and witch Hillary?

  2. Praise the Lord he sent us President Trump for he is part of God’s plan for our great nation. 🕊️❤️🙏
    Merry Merry Christmas President Trump and to your family. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. “What would America be like if Trump hadn’t been president and witch Hillary?”

    Approximately the same in all the major conditions, the events are now driving men instead of men driving the events.

    We’ll end up in the same place either way with only the manner in which we get there giving us an illusion of difference.

    Prophecies are being fulfilled and will continue to be fulfilled, nothing and no one is going to change that. The end result will be the same.


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