Massive vehicle explosion rocks Nashville, police believe it was ‘intentional act’ – IOTW Report

Massive vehicle explosion rocks Nashville, police believe it was ‘intentional act’

Just The News:

Nashville police and federal authorities are investigating a massive vehicle explosion Friday morning that damaged several buildings in the downtown area and injured three people. Authorities said they were treating the Christmas morning explosion as an “intentional act.” 

“An explosion linked to a vehicle occurred at 6:30 this morning outside 166 2nd Ave N downtown. Investigation active by MNPD & federal partners,” the Nashville police tweeted. more here

42 Comments on Massive vehicle explosion rocks Nashville, police believe it was ‘intentional act’

  1. Why would someone want to bomb Nashville on Christmas morning?

    I’m not understanding what they intended, not a good time or place for casualties and not much of a place to make some kind of statement, IMO.

  2. Without evidence, major news outlets blaming it on Trump supporters in 3… 2… 1…

    Number of major news sources covering discovery later next week that left wingers were behind it… 0… nill… goose egg… bupkis.

  3. My honest opinion on the culprit is the FBI. Budget season is coming up, and they’ve likely got a new “anti-bombing” program already planned, including an entire list of dumbasses to entrap into “terrorist bomb plots.”

  4. I saw this on story linked on Zerohedge to ABC news and clicked to the ABC comments just to see and wow, scary to see how people that consume MSM think. Basically they all believe this was a right wing extremist Proud Boy type group attack. False flag by someone to smear Trump supporters? I could only get through scanning the first 20, these people are such angry haters and they just repeat the lies that right wing extremists kill more people in the US than anyone else.

  5. The reports also say that there was ammunition cooking off in one of the burning vehicles. If that’s related to the bomb, then my guess is that the explosion was supposed to be later in the day when more people were present but it went off prematurely.

    @TheMult — Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is an FBI false flag atrocity.

  6. We don’t know much at this point but there are cameras all over that area.

    Some have said an RV was parked and that some megaphone was blasting for people to leave the area 15 minutes in advance and gave a countdown.

    If its Leftist or Muzzies, they’ll say we may never know what truly motivated it. If there is any link to any religious nutjibs then they’ll say it was a right wing group because we all know there are no murderous leftwing religious nutjobs, cough*cough, Jim Jones.

    Of note, our crappy Gannett chain newspaper published this whackadoo 7th Day Adventist Arkansas preacher’s full page ad back in July saying there would be a nuclear strike on the city.

    Luckily, no one was killed and only a couple of people were not seriously injured.

  7. Funny, I first read this on the UK’s Daily Mail (wow, actual reporters) before any US ‘news’ picked it up. Netflix is to blame…they have a new mini-series about Richard Jewel.

  8. Bob: that was my first instinct. That location is a short walking distance (2-3 blocks) from the downtown police HQ and the federal courthouse that Antifa/BLM fuckwads tried burning down a few months ago during the Floyd riots.

    A suspicious vehicle call went to the police a few minutes beforehand and wouldn’t that be something if it went off while they were investigating it.

    But we don’t know yet. Hopefully the FBI won’t politicize it. What can they say? “None of the terrorists we have working for us in the country were supposed to carry out this one.”

  9. Not sure why Nashville was the target for a terrorist attack. Seems to me more damage would have been done in NYC. I’m not buying it that a right wing group did it. Nope, this has fingerprints of Antifa/BLM. Let’s wait and see who the FBI tries to finger it on. If they say right wing, then I will know that they desperately want Trump and his followers to be a target. Doubtful we’ll know the ins and outs oft this mess. I don’t like the smell of no body parts, so early in the morning and on Xmas. Anitfa hates anything traditional in America, that’s where I would be looking for an arrest. Nothing is sacred to those terrorists.

  10. I’m listening to 1st hand eye witness es in the radio. At 4:30 this morning, residents by the RV were awakened by gunshots, Then approximately 5:15 or so a computerized/digitized voice emanating from the RV announced that there was a bomb located in the RV and that it was going to be detonated. A little while later a countdown began starting with 15 minutes to detonation, 14, 13, etc.

    Whoever did this clearly wanted to avoid casualties.

    The RV was parked in front of an AT&T transmission equipment building. It may have been an attempt to cripple AT&T communications capabilities. Still a lot of investigation to be done.

  11. Update: There is a video with audio from the location, and you can hear that digitized warning. “If you can hear this message, evacuate now. Do not approach this vehicle, there is bomb on board.”

  12. It could have been a Militia. It could have been a White Flag thing. One thing for certain is violence is coming.I think it’s going to be a whole new brave world. I’m watching the FBI give a statement right now and feel strongly they are our enemy. Same with LEO

  13. …that mayor is a giant COVID nazi, and his power was starting to slip, so this was probably a setup to drive the peasants back into their holes and gather more power with false flag fear. Scared people will surrender ALL their freedoms.


  14. Someone said there was a massive amount of debris all over north Baltimore that must have come from a blast, but the mayor says Baltimore always looks that way……..


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