Nashville PD Releases Photo of RV That Exploded Christmas Morning, Asks the Public For Help – IOTW Report

Nashville PD Releases Photo of RV That Exploded Christmas Morning, Asks the Public For Help

GP: The Nashville Police Department Friday afternoon released a photo of the RV that exploded earlier this morning.

The RV arrived on 2nd Ave at 1:22 AM, police said.

Law enforcement asked the public for help: “Have you seen this vehicle in our area or do you have information about it? Please contact us via Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463 or online via Nashville FBI. more

34 Comments on Nashville PD Releases Photo of RV That Exploded Christmas Morning, Asks the Public For Help

  1. I’m thinking mobile meth lab.
    Speaking of meth, the cops were just at a lovely domestic across the street. The girl was hanging out the door screaming at whoever “Fuuuuccckk youuu!” I was on the other side of the street with my popcorn, to witch I promptly sang out “and a happy new year…” she slammed the door. Me and the cops thought it was funny. 🤔😂🖕

  2. What in the world actually happened? It’s a little to suspect for me. The man and his dog just walk through the whole chaos’s? Come on, enough sh-t has happened this year already, I just can’t believe. Need to be looked into CAREFULLY!

    God Bless us all!

  3. The driver is the FBI agent (notice the mask still on from picking up the RV from the lot) prior to planting the dead corpse and detonating the false flag event. They just investigated another RV in Cincinnati but the detonator didn’t go off. There should be another one later in the week.

    Got to keep those Trump supporters in RVs out of Washington D.C. on Jan. 5th ya know. Maybe even keep all traffic out altogether.

  4. something don’t smell right (yeah, no kidding Sherlock)
    they knew exactly when this vehicle drove up … can we assume there was a driver? … did he/she get out of the vehicle? is there no video on that? … curious

    & …. my home security system has better detailed cams than this …. yes, even in the dark!

    this is already starting to stink worse than the Vegas mass-shooting

  5. Ok, I am going to copy this from a post I got in my gab feed.
    Let the conspiracies begin:

    Why Nashville? Why AT&T?
    Room 641A is a telecom intercept facility operated by AT&T for the U.S.NSA, as part of its warrantless surveillance program, PATRIOT ACT.
    What part of the country does this hub cover? GEORGIA.

  6. You can rule out any government black operation simply because whoever did this gave a warning for people to clear the area. That demonstrates that the reason for this wasn’t to create a mass loss of life. The government would never concern themselves with loss of life!!!

  7. If someone was trying to make a statement of some kind by doing this they didn’t do a very good fob of it since we still don’t know what it was and don’t seem to have anything even pointing towards it.

    I’m beginning to wonder if it was just some kind of nutcase living in his own separate fantasy world where this made some kind of sense to him, or maybe some kind of diversion to take attention away from something else?

  8. The AT&T / WARNER MEDIA tie-in to the discussion.

    AT&T / WARNER MEDIA donates campaign $$$$ to both sides.
    It is about $56% (R) vs 44% (SD)
    But in the GA Senate Race they seem to be leaning for (SD) than (R)

  9. I’m guessing if we brought in the KGB we’d already have arrests, convictions and the trial would be over. Our fake FBI just was too busy with other phony self generated tales and covering their own A$$es.


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