Voter fraud in Texas, too? – IOTW Report

Voter fraud in Texas, too?


VOTER FRAUD ON DISPLAY: Houston Ballots All Have Same Signature and Same Address.

The voter fraud in this year’s presidential election was widespread and extensive.

Instead of asking where was the fraud? The real question is where was there NO fraud? Democrats used every trick in their book to steal votes and manufacture ballots.

Here is the latest proof of voter fraud in Texas.

Democrats manufactured votes — in the same city, in the same handwriting and at the same address. MORE

9 Comments on Voter fraud in Texas, too?

  1. Unfortunately, the courts, especially the Supremes, have shown no desire to overturn the “will of the people”, even if it wasn’t the will of the people.
    Do not misunderstand, I support all of the lawsuits, and I want PDJT to succeed in a second term. However, with the January 4th date approaching, I do not see him winning. The lower House will not vote to invalidate the “certified” electors.
    Focus on the Georgia Senate runoffs. That is our only hope to retain enough to prevent the progs from doing everything they want.

  2. It was even worse in Harris Cty, massive buying votes, harvesting you name it. Why they keep telling us Tx is turning blue so when they finally steal it they will pretend the BS polls were right. Beto did not legitimately get as close as they claim without massive cheating.


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