Revenge Of The Kraken! – IOTW Report

Revenge Of The Kraken!

Millennial Millie:

Election Sting Operation Exposes Corruption.

NOTICE: The whistleblowers who provided the following information have risked their lives and reputations to get this information out. Some now have private security protecting them and their family members due to threats. Some documentation presented has been redacted for their protection.

Please, WATCH the ENTIRE Video.

16 Comments on Revenge Of The Kraken!

  1. I have a lot of years on this old body,

    I can’t run as fast as I used to,

    I can’t see as well as when I was younger,

    I need to rest and catch my breath more often than before…

    BUT—I can still aim and pull a trigger—-

    PLUS….I have more ammo than I’ve ever had in my lifetime.

  2. “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

  3. So…What’s the latest on Turdeau’s admission that Chinese troops are in Canada “training for Winter warfare”?

    And the 130,000 acres the Chicoms purchased on the border in west Texas for “economic development”?

    Just wondering if anybody had heard something new. The media sure ain’t mentioning it.

  4. @thirdtwin
    Why would china want training from the tiny military like theirs? What do they have to offer a giant military like china? Nothing that china doesnt already know. I posit that it would only be a logistical advantage to stage something.


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