President Trump Highlights January 6 Washington DC Event – IOTW Report

President Trump Highlights January 6 Washington DC Event

CTH: Earlier today President Trump drew attention to an unofficial January 6, 2021, assembly of We The People planning to attend Washington DC on the date of the congressional certification of the electoral vote.

There is much discussion about the Senate vote on 1/6/21 as the culmination of a fraudulently manipulated election outcome; there is also a great deal of foreboding and anxiety as the American electorate watch to see if any legislator will rise to contest or challenge an outcome.

The group representing “Stop The Steal” is working on supporting the January 6th assembly. [Link Here]

DC insider reports indicate Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell is pressuring his GOP senators not to challenge the certification of the election.

Meanwhile President Trump is dealing with even shorter term battles surrounding COVID relief and Omnibus spending bills which put him alone against the DC legislative class.  Our nation is positioned in a very tenuous time.

On the legislative contest President Trump is looking out for the greater interests of the American people while attempting to block the special interest pork spending that benefits everyone except Americans.  The urgency of the Omnibus and COVID relief spending creates a narrative contest between the executive branch and the legislative branch… and the timing of that confrontation is in advance of the January 6th certification. read more

7 Comments on President Trump Highlights January 6 Washington DC Event

  1. Without something huge between now and the 6th I don’t see congress and Pence saving POTUS. Call them daily, go to DC but time is short but I have as little faith in our corrupt elected leaders to do the right thing as I have in courts and SCOTUS.

  2. President Trump “We The People” will never forget how much you’ve done for the country and we will support you any way we can. God Bless and MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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