Spanish prisoner cut off his penis after being told his wife didn’t want to see him on conjugal visit – IOTW Report

Spanish prisoner cut off his penis after being told his wife didn’t want to see him on conjugal visit

Well, that’ll teach her!

h/t Pinochet Helicopter Tours. @HalfSacPinochet

30 Comments on Spanish prisoner cut off his penis after being told his wife didn’t want to see him on conjugal visit

  1. …some Democrat will see this and say we need to have taxpayer-funded hookers for the few prisoners they DON’T let out for FakeFlu because its a mentsl health requirement and therefore must be covered by Obamacare…

  2. …so does that mean she’s getting her conjugal visits elsewhere?

    …that generally ends badly if the prisoner ever gets out, and if he’s THAT nuts, lady, you might want to move before he DOES…

  3. From the article:

    Local reports said he suffered psychiatric problems.

    …and those reports have now been verified.

    In September a prisoner in Spain was rushed to hospital after eating his own ears.

    Keeping up with the Gonzalez’s?

  4. “Well, that’ll teach her! h/t Pinochet Helicopter Tours. @HalfSacPinochet”

    Looks like she got her way, didn’t teach her anything other than she doesn’t have to have sex with him any longer. I think it’s more like “that’ll teach him for cutting off his prick,” now he can’t piss or screw, sounds good to me.

  5. He cut off his penis to spite his….what, what? His nuts? His Crotch?

    For history buffs: “Boston” Corbett, the killer of John Wilkes Booth, cut off his junk so that he wouldn’t be enticed by prostitutes.

    Hew used a pair of scissors. Now that takes nerves of steel as well as a pretty sick mind.


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