California Supreme Court will allow murder charges against woman who used meth while pregnant – IOTW Report

California Supreme Court will allow murder charges against woman who used meth while pregnant

Just the News-

The California Supreme Court this week declined to halt the prosecution of murder charges against a woman whose child was stillborn after she used methamphetamine while pregnant.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, currently Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, had asked the court to dismiss the charges, claiming that prosecuting the woman for the murder of her child could “dete[r] pregnant women with addiction issues from seeking out necessary, and sometimes lifesaving, healthcare for fear of criminal liability and imprisonment.” more

13 Comments on California Supreme Court will allow murder charges against woman who used meth while pregnant

  1. …crackhead females do that too, trying to force a premature delivery. They’ll just toss it in the garbage then, leave the bathroom bloody, and go try to find another high.

    The charges are appropriate, but won’t change anything.

    …Druggies aren’t real good at thinking out consequences…

  2. Just curious, a few questions;

    Should a woman that smokes and has a stillborn child be charged with murder?
    How about one that drinks alcohol?
    How about one that suffers an eating disorder?
    How about a woman who exercises too rigorously?
    A major cause of stillborns is infection, what about a woman who has a lot of sex partners during pregnancy?
    Lastly, a woman is speeding or texting while driving, loses control and runs off the road causing trauma to the baby which results in a stillborn?

    What all of these have in common is a lack of mens rea. Charging this woman with murder is about as silly as charging Kyle Rittenhouse with murder or Derek Chavin.

    If you want to punish this woman or discourage the behavior, charge her with a crime that has even the remotest chance of a conviction, one where the elements can be proven.

  3. Of course meth kills babies. Hitler killed Poland in 10 days because all his troops were doped up on speed. How is this controversial?

    Meth is fine if you need to get some messy stuff done in a hurry. Babies are fat, lazy, and never in a hurry. Seems kinda’ obvious the two don’t go together.

    I don’t see any way out for the mother unless she was in fact, trying to conquer Belgium.


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