‘Oceans Asia’: 1.56B Face Masks Will Enter Oceans In 2020 – IOTW Report

‘Oceans Asia’: 1.56B Face Masks Will Enter Oceans In 2020

OAN: Researchers believe more than 1.5 billion face masks used this year may be headed for the ocean.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, marine conservation organization ‘Oceans Asia’ has been keeping track of washed-up masks on a remote island near Hong Kong. more

28 Comments on ‘Oceans Asia’: 1.56B Face Masks Will Enter Oceans In 2020

  1. Just last Thursday, I remarked how nice COVID that had eliminated baby diapers in parking lots, only to be replaced by spent masks discarded like used condoms. They are everywhere; bushes, drains, streams, sidewalks, …….everywhere.

    What the hell is wrong with people that they discard their trash anywhere! Pigs. No wonder America is looking like a third world cesspool in some areas, especially demoncrat run areas. I guess they are used to having people pick up after their elitist butts.

  2. dispose of non-reusable masks responsibly.

    Help me out, I’m a little slow here. Is the ocean really that more convenient than tossing trash in the trash? Or is the problem the trash haulers use the ocean as a landfill which negates my disposing of trash responsibly, and therefore pinning responsibility on me for ocean waste is a moot point?

  3. To understand why there is so much crap in the ocean, just look where the poor people in Asia dump their trash and take their shits. Don’t make me look for the videos. There’s a reason why some photos of far away places are taken at night. Don’t get me started.

  4. @ Mm DECEMBER 28, 2020 AT 8:52 PM

    I found 3 in front of my home today when I was trimming the holly trees by the sidewalk. Among other paper litter here and there. It’s been only 3 days since I picked up the litter there.

    My neighbors dgaf about what they drop when they get out of their cars. I even clean the area between their sidewalk and the street because it just ends up in my yard or stays unsightly. Broken glass too.

    They planted a pecan tree right on my property line where the roots will suck the water out of my yard and break up my driveway. They don’t water at all, so it’s impending death shouldn’t come as a surprise. I’m the only reason it’s alive now, but the salt below ground should prevent any further plantings to be successful.

    They’re renters. They were also stupid enough to plant rose bushes 6 inches from their sidewalk. I’ll leave those be. They’re no where near me anyway, but the city will harass them when they intrude into the sidewalk. Dallas has an ordinance about that. One of the reasons I was trimming those holly trees.

  5. “They planted a pecan tree right on my property line where the roots will suck the water out of my yard and break up my driveway. They don’t water at all, so it’s impending death shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

    They should be beaten with a hot crowbar for planting that poor Pecan tree.
    And WTF plants bushes 6 inches from the sidewalk??? OK yeah, they do.

  6. MJA, if you ever saw Shit River between the Subic Naval Base and Olongapo City in the Philippines you’d know that’s exactly where all the trash and shit from that which was basically a raw sewage canal went directly out into Subic Bay. It made the infamous river in Cleveland that caught on fire back in the 70’s look like a pristine mountain lake. And Hong Kong harbor wasn’t much better either with all the poor people living on junks (small boats) in their harbor.

  7. Bill Gates has lost his mind. What a megalomaniac.

    I think the reason is frustration: that he never managed to succeed at anything after Microsoft, compared to most billionaires who so many other accomplishments post-billions. Gates’ “accomplishments” have been clownish and threatening.

    He likely surrounds himself with sycophants, and creates a Folie à deux between them.

    Yeah, Bill: shoot tons and tons and tons of material into the atmosphere to mitigate an nonexistent problem.

    What nut.

  8. @Aaron — The filter-feeder whales don’t have to wear masks because all the krill wear them. Orcas don’t need them either because the seals have learned to weave their whiskers into antivirus masks. Neat, huh?

    p.s. I was going to abbreviate “Arron something something” but decided not to. You’re welcome!

  9. Anon if gates wanted to do something real, he could build waste management infrastructure in those shit holes.
    But he’s not serious about anything other than having people tell him how great his farts smell.

  10. @MJA

    My mental case neighbor has a trees/weeds that he never takes care of or grooms.
    The previous guy was wonderful and kept them up. The old guy would even come over and prune on my side since it was his trees. (he passed 10 years ago)
    The place looks like hell now with the grass sometimes as high as 10 inches.

    This summer I got tired of the trees and started salting them with a plastic pipe and road salt.

    Much less shit on my side of the fence now.

  11. Who knows…..maybe all the masks in the ocean will keep the fishes from catching—–something.

    I’m sure it will be just as beneficial for them as it has been for us.

    I.E. It’s ALL such TOTAL BULLSHIT.

  12. 1.56 billion, eh? How oddly specific.

    Sounds like theoretical Obama math.

    The Earth’s temperature will be 1 degree higher a century from how and Obamacare will not cost me one dime.

    What would we do without these prophetic mathematicians?

    I’m sure there’s a government solution to all this. Registered masks so you can be fined if they are not disposed of properly.

    They finally got everyone in a burqa.

  13. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t see several face masks laying around in parking lots – even on hiking trails. No one will pick them up and throw them away. When this shittery began, there were gloves laying in the parking lot. They co8uldn’t get the people to wear masks and gloves so they opted for the nasty ass mask. Masks don’t stop any disease, just like the vaccine doesn’t prevent anyone from not getting Covid. CDC is telling people who got vaccinated to wear a mask and wash their hands. FOOLS! The great human trickery of a fake vaccine they pulled on the lowest IQ among us is jaw dropping.


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