You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows – IOTW Report

You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows

Ultraviolet LED lights kill coronavirus quickly, efficiently and cheaply — but don’t go stringing purple lights all over your home. Story

15 Comments on You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows

  1. How much evidence do people need to get it through their thick skulls that this retrovirus is not a major threat. What is a major threat is what the government is allowing corporations through media to manipulate the information so that these same corporations can then sell vaccines. The main job of the federal government is to make sure that our civil rights are not infringed. They are leaving us very little recourse but to take back our rights by force.

  2. I have had a UV light in my residential Furnace for about 15 years, but then again I do this shit for a living. Why would anyone listen to me?

    We need new researchers to tell us what we have known for 30 years…

  3. Back in the 60s my Dad had an ultraviolet sterilizer in his office. About the size of a toaster, but on it’s side. Little door like a toaster oven. Used on any small stainless steel tool he used with his patients.

    This has been known for a very long time.

    Now to put fresh batteries in my 57 LED, or so, UV flashlight and kill C-19 everywhere I go. I’ve been using it for finding dried rat urine and mold. The latter, of which, I am very sensitive to.

  4. UV air and surface purification units are widely available and in common use in all sorts of situations and have been for years.

    So this is astounding information about well developed and used technology from the past now becoming the latest and most experimental cutting edge research of the age, right?


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