An 18-year-old boy’s terrible revenge on a girl who never harmed him – IOTW Report

An 18-year-old boy’s terrible revenge on a girl who never harmed him

American Thinker:

In 1954, Joseph Welch asked Sen. Joseph McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency?”  Someone needs to ask this of leftists regarding their cancel culture.  The latest example of their revered cancel culture is a New York Times article approvingly profiling a boy who destroyed a classmate’s aspirations because, four years before, in a private video, she used a racial slur common in that generation’s music.

The Times went to Leesburg, Virginia, a place that had slavery 155 years ago, before anyone named in the Times story was born.  Two residents are Jimmy Galligan, 18, who has a black mother and a white father, and Mimi Groves, 19, who is white.

Four years ago, when Groves was 15 and had just gotten her learner’s permit, she sent a friend a three-second Snapchat video in which she said, “I can drive, n—–.”  That word is a staple in the rap music kids listen to and is associated with “cool” rappers.  A preening 15-year-old would feel cool using it.

A word about young teenagers: Their brains are unformed, and their impulse control is limited.  As they near 18 or 19, they start gaining genuine maturity, and with it comes sympathy, empathy, and self-control. Read more

23 Comments on An 18-year-old boy’s terrible revenge on a girl who never harmed him

  1. Another egregious case of cultural appropriation. We invented the damn word and now it’s been stolen from us. Hell, it’s been weaponized against us.

    We should take it back and change its meaning. Maybe make it a small car part or something.

    “Hand me that lil’ nigger right there.”

    “Yup, gonna need a couple of brand new niggas to get er’ running.”

    Or make all sports balls niggers.

    “WOW! He slapped that nigger right into the back of the net…”

    “Simpson snatches the wild nigger right out of the air for an interception!”

    Man…this stuff writes itself.

    “Proud parent of a NIGGER at Charlotte Elementary” bumper sticker, for example.

    Just seems like a waste of a pretty cool word that should bring joy to the hearts of all.

  2.’s a damn good thing there were no lifetime recordings of stupid things I said when I was 15, because I said a LOT of stupid things…

    …also, add 10 years to that “mature at 19” thing, because I have lived over a half century and have YET to see a mature 29 year old, myself included…

  3. This effeminate punk is getting beat down on u2b. Perchance it will cause him to reconsider his life.

    Nah, he won’t. He’s got that black privilege thang goin, gnome sayin?

  4. This hyper racial sensitivity is drummed into kids from birth for decades now. But that sensitivity is almost exclusively concentrated on negro’s. Any slights directed toward other races is mostly brushed off.
    This psychological conditioning is directed at and browbeat into white children.
    While claiming this is done for the promotion of equality, the left takes great pains to ensure that those white children that are the targets never feel good about themselves.
    The twisted creeps responsible are sick, abusive and dangerous and have no place anywhere close to children.
    Parents should be up in arms over this.

  5. “I can drive, nigger.”
    Is NOT a racial slur. It is not directed at anyone. It belittles no one. It defames no one. It insults no one.
    “You’re a simpering, hair-lipped, pussy-ass, half-black nigger!” is, however, a racial slur – provided it’s aimed at – say – some simpering, hair-lipped, pussy-assed, half-black negro-blooded person who feigns offense at the least provocation.

    The simple fact that the mulatto feigned offense at the word proves that the word well describes him.

    Remember when JC Watts used the term “Race Hustlers and Poverty Pimps?” Immediately Jesse Jackson and Al Sharton cried out at how offended they were! Even though Sen. Watts mentioned neither of them! Thus proving that they are, indeed, race hustling poverty pimps!

    Fuck these crybabies and their low self-esteem.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The Gunny
    DECEMBER 29, 2020 AT 2:04 AM
    “Wake up and smell the coffee. She is a BLM supporter. To bad, so sad.”

    …it’s kind of mandatory, the sane way that White girls are required to sleep with Black boys to “prove” they’re not rayyyyciss, and their parents may not question this because that’s rayyyciss too.

    Failure to comply will result in hazings, verbal and physical abuse, investigations by the public high school, and denial of any “higher education” as this gal is finding out now.

    People talk about China’s social credit system like its something new, but the schools have been doing it in increasingly oppressive fashion since at least the ’90s, as have woker businesses and social organizations. China probably learned it from US.

    …we just didn’t have the forever recorder to let the whole world see the poor impulse control of youth, or the infrastructure to research someone’s entire digital past the way we do now.

    I avoid it by having little online presence in my own name, other than a VERY dry and basic LinkedIn account for business purposes.

    But with the advent of the Harris administration, social media presence on liberal platforms will probably become mandatory, the better to conduct public shamings and to have the peasants monitor the other peasants for wrongthink with.

    For your safety, of course…

  7. So I left this comment on his latest video, which, by the way, has 3.1k Thumbs down to 147 TU when I posted it.

    “You’re not a good person. Your hateful ways will come back on you in spades.”

    I know, I know. Seemed perfect, though.

  8. As Chauncey said, “I like to watch.” And why is it that I do ZERO social media? They eat themselves.

    Once again, the “part time” job entails killing time for sometimes six of the eight and is currently a reread of the Zane Grey stuff. For those who have never, the “N word” is often used along with painting our friends with the special underwear in a rather poor light.

    Surprised that his books haven’t all been burned by now.

  9. Memorializing ever thought you have on social media is a recipe for disaster. And yet many still do it daily at all ages even knowing it can and will be used against you. If there is a light at the end of the tunnel for her perhaps being kept out of a university that would have taken her mind of mush already gravitating toward sympathy for BLM and lecturing her father on white privilege will help her mature into a more productive person instead of further being programmed to be a hateful leftist soldier like so many of the young women that go to college are today.

  10. How dare you question it’s gender!
    He’s gonna have to pull a Shawn King in reverse and try to pass for White.
    The comments over at his YouTube channel are hilarious. Gettin his scrawny @$$ handed to him by blacks and whites. Finally, racial harmony.


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