Insanity Wrap #113: Trump Had No Choice But to Sign Corrupt ‘Relief’ Bill – IOTW Report

Insanity Wrap #113: Trump Had No Choice But to Sign Corrupt ‘Relief’ Bill

Stephen Green/PJM:

Insanity Wrap needs to know: What’s worse than signing into law a “relief” bill that provides little relief while doling out hundreds of billions to those who need it the least?

Answer: Vetoing it, losing the Senate runoffs in Georgia, and having Congress override the veto anyway.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • The one simple question that proves the FBI’s total corruption
  • Kwanzaa founder is just another woman-torturing lefty
  • “Ego violence” is a thing now.

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

5 Comments on Insanity Wrap #113: Trump Had No Choice But to Sign Corrupt ‘Relief’ Bill

  1. “Answer: Vetoing it, losing the Senate runoffs in Georgia, and having Congress override the veto anyway.”

    It will be most amusing it the Senate runoffs in Georgia are lost anyway.

    Failing to stand on your principle, sacrificing them, to make some kind of political gain just shows your principles are nothing more than a political ploy to start with and you’re like every other politician who can be bought off in one way or another.

  2. Pretending the Georgia elections are going to be legitimate and not wrought with fraud (or already brokered behind the scenes) you could also argue signing this foreign and liberal aimed pork laden sh*t fest alienates a lot of us that actually care about the devaluation or our dollar and going along with this BS to give out a measly $600 to $2,000 to some Americans making under a certain amount of money while giving away the farm to domestic illegals and foreign interests in itself demoralizes voters and makes them thing WTF do I need to go vote for these GOP traitors. Lindsey Graham was on earlier talking about the importance of Pakistan women’s protection. And this is the party that we have to support because the other party is worse. The party that has no compassion for the lives they’ve destroyed in 2020 because they all hate Orange Man and want to go back to the uniparty business of selling out America to enrich themselves. Trump should have just stuck to his word and veto’d it.


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