Georgia’s Corrupt Republican Leadership Gave Biden Win By Less Than 12,000 Votes – Yet 460,000 Drop Box Ballots STILL MISSING Chain of Custody Documentation Required by Law – IOTW Report

Georgia’s Corrupt Republican Leadership Gave Biden Win By Less Than 12,000 Votes – Yet 460,000 Drop Box Ballots STILL MISSING Chain of Custody Documentation Required by Law

David Harris Jr. –

You have to wonder what Georgia Gov Brian Kemp and SOS Brad Raffensperger will do for a living after their terms are up. I mean it’s not like they will ever get reelected.

They could join the Democratic party and hope there is enough voter fraud to see them retain their power. Short of that their days as elected officials are near their end.

The steal of the Georgia election would not have been possible without them and voters have a long memory when you stab them in the back.

There is a huge chain of custody issue with votes allegedly coming from the drop boxes. There were 600,000 votes that allegedly from the drop boxes. They are required to file a chain of custody document for those votes. 460,000 do not have C of C documents.

In a state decided by less than 12,000 votes, that is huge. How do we know these votes did not come from a warehouse somewhere and not the drop boxes? read more

13 Comments on Georgia’s Corrupt Republican Leadership Gave Biden Win By Less Than 12,000 Votes – Yet 460,000 Drop Box Ballots STILL MISSING Chain of Custody Documentation Required by Law

  1. “it’s not like they will ever get reelected.”

    Pardon me Jr., but if they’re behind vote fudgery, they’ll never get un elected.

    Also, is Georgia gay? No protests? Nothing on fire? No gunshots?

    Apparently the south rose again simply to raise another white flag.


    Bothe wrong! Raffy+ Kemp are long time GWB men! They both believed in America last N.W.O. TO BRING IN GWB’S DOMINION TOOK GUTS! dt was a very bad thing to do! But they both knew they would be blasted by MAGA folk for their American betraying. But ;they did it anyway.
    Have either of you put your lives on the line for your “beliefs”? I have!
    Following the Bush/Rove cabal took guts! IT WAS BAD but it took guts!
    I wish both Rffy = Kemp to Hell; but following Bush took guts! They did not wave THE WHITE FAGE, Those who voted for them did the surrender!

  3. Have either of you put your lives on the line for your “beliefs”?

    Yup. Got paid for it, too. Got paid for putting my life on the line for shit I didn’t really care about one way or the other as well.

    Where’s MY parade?

    But I get your point. 20 years ago these guys were cool.

    My point is today these guys fugged up.


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