Camper from Warnock-Run Camp Tells Tale of Abuse – IOTW Report

Camper from Warnock-Run Camp Tells Tale of Abuse

Geller Report: Raphael Warnock repeatedly obstructed the police investigation into child abuse at a Warnock-run summer camp, interfering with interviews and discouraging counselors from speaking with investigators. Warnick was arrested for “hindering and obstructing” police.

One of the abused campers has come forward with details of the terror he suffered at Warnock’s camp.

And he sued and received a “large financial settlement,” according to the story (Free Beacon). Loeffler called the allegations “disqualifying” (Fox News). Warnock praised Jeremiah Wright’s most controversial sermon (Fox News). Ossoff and Warnock, the highest funded candidates in history, are bankrolled by leftist donors in New York and California (NY Post). And they have the support of the anti-police Black Lives Matter (Washington Times). Senator Chuck Schumer is not feeling so good about Ossoff and Warnock’s chances (Hot Air).

A man who, as a child, attended a camp overseen by the Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Democratic candidate for one of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats, is speaking up about the abuses he claims to have endured there.


7 Comments on Camper from Warnock-Run Camp Tells Tale of Abuse

  1. Let’s see… No respect for women, children and has assaulted both.
    Yep. Democrat.

    The kid and his family and the other people that were assaulted should be out there campaigning against this douche. And so should his ex-wife.
    Other wise, you’re mad, but not THAT mad about it.

  2. Sorry, me thinks this story is a little bit sensationalized. As was Tucker’s airing of his wife’s claim of him “running over her foot”.

    I wish there was some scandal here, but I seriously doubt it.

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