Gov. Cuomo Prioritizes Drug Addicts Over Elderly for Coronavirus Vaccine – IOTW Report

Gov. Cuomo Prioritizes Drug Addicts Over Elderly for Coronavirus Vaccine

I guess Biden’s family will be in that round of vaccinations.

Elderly population takes another blow from Governor Cuomo.

The New York Association of Substance Abuse Providers lobbied for addicts in rehab facilities to get vaccinated, according to The Post.

15 Comments on Gov. Cuomo Prioritizes Drug Addicts Over Elderly for Coronavirus Vaccine

  1. Follow the money.
    Somebody’s paying him – he does NOTHING without some payoff.

    The old folks are on “fixed incomes” so they’re less likely to offer much, and, besides, being nihilistic, he’s probably an acolyte of Zeke Emanuel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And now a guy died in Switzerland after taking the pfizer vaccine.

    The survival rate of covid is 99.7%
    I wonder what the survival rate of the vaccine will be.

    If you like your life, you can keep your life.

  3. Simple policy of cost cutting. Addicts are potential tax payers. Elderly nursing home residents are expenses to be eliminated if possible. As ugly and sinister as this may seem, Cuomo has repeatedly taken actions to cut medicare and state costs for the elderly by using covid to eliminate as many as possible.

    New York’s budget has been a mess and after this year will be likely over 100 billion in the red with no hope of a balanced budget for the foreseeable future. This is Cuomo’s real legacy. Debt debt and more debt.

    Will he be re-elected? Well, NY uses Dominion voting systems so you already know the answer.


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