The Most Nutty Mask Enthusiasts of 2020 – IOTW Report

The Most Nutty Mask Enthusiasts of 2020

Louder With Crowder:

2020 introduced us to many new phrases. Curbside pickup. Zoom Happy Hour. Peaceful protester. But a personal favorite of mine is the mask nazi. It’s a niche genre. These are the masked bandits who wild out on people not being masked up in public places. I’m not calling them Hitler bad. Think more the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. Though I’m sure if some of the people could have you thrown into a camp, they would.

We’ve had many a laugh at the expense of mask nazis. I’ve narrowed it down to my five favorites. Honorable mention goes to the kid who wanted to wear a Hooters mask to the fifth grade. Obviously, he’s not the villain in the story. The mask nazis would be the people wanting to stifle his freedom of expression. But I felt he deserved a shout-out.

We’ll start with this guy, who is mask nazi’ing all wrong. He’s outdoors in the middle of nowhere. He’s yelling at maskless hikers who are hiking in the middle of nowhere. Also, he’s not wearing a mask himself. Bonus douche points for trying to give others COVID. more

14 Comments on The Most Nutty Mask Enthusiasts of 2020

  1. We’ve become a living psychology experiment. We’re the mice and the globalist elites are the “psyiantists”. The experiment is how to control the behavior of mice.

    The mice that comply will be given their daily ration of cheese. The ones that do not comply will be given negative reinforcement.

  2. The mask muzzle Nazi’s 😷 are not ever going away, it’s like crack to them and they love the power to control and you must conform to their whim’s, I say BS to that.

  3. The worst mask nazis are the politicians in the states who suddenly find they have a fistful of power to control people by ordering masks. Then you have Comrade General Mills and her ilk. Governors who actually get on the phone and demand companies not even allow health exemptions.

  4. I’m in a region where open carry is legal and commonplace so the only reason I wear a mask (off the nose) is to reduce the likelihood of being assaulted by mindless Karens whilst armed.

  5. My husband has pneumonia so of course he tested positive for the Kung flu. That means that the terrible cold that I had before he got sick probably was too, and now one of my daughters has it. (That’s a big maybe. I am still not sure I believe it.) That being said, even if we were so sick as to be hospitalized or even died, I would NOT advocate lockdowns or masks or business closures. The response to this has been madness.

  6. There were a bunch of assholes in those videos that needed severe ass whoopins…… that is what is missing in our uncivil “civil” society. Swift kick in mr. leg’s ballsack, large rock to the head of crazy hiker, kick in the kuntbone of ms. screamer, and a thorough asskicking handed out to the faggot, keyboard bandit who wanted to kick Crowder’s ass……. right up until they met face to face!

  7. If you’re worried about the common flu that routinely sweeps the world every year, go to Oregon, lowest flu rates on record. However, about the same number of people are dying on Covid motorcycles, Covid parachutes are not opening, drownings in Lake Covid, suicide by Covid, Cancer of the Covid, Covid strokes, Covid Alzheimer’s, Covidmobile accidents, Covid drive bys, acts of self defense by the Covid police, homicides committed by face mask Nazis, executions committed by Covid BLM and ANTIFA, falling out of Covid airplanes, overdosing on Covid heroin, and Team Covid members talking to the feds about Hillary.

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