Coming attractions for January 6 – IOTW Report

Coming attractions for January 6

American Thinker: Here are updates related to January 6, when a joint session of Congress will meet to vote on the Electoral College results.  (Depending on how things unfold, there may be some surprises.  Some could be quite shocking.  More on that further down.)

On January 6, members of Trump’s legal team hope to present their case of massive voter fraud to Congress and the American people.  I presume they’ve been sharing information with Congress for weeks now, but on the 6th, it will be official, and they will also have a platform to speak to the public — at least as far as I understand things.

On that same day, dozens of speakers will be on stage before a massive crowd, challenging the election results, standing with President Trump, and standing for the Constitution.

Inside the hallowed corrupt halls of Congress, twenty congressmen have pledged to challenge the Electoral College vote.  Numerous incoming representatives will be doing so as well.  All of them should be sworn in on January 3, barring any unforeseen circumstances.  They include Barry Moore (AL), Jerry Carl (AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Andrew Clyde (GA), Madison Cawthorn (NC), Burgess Owens (UT), Yvette Herrell (NM), Lauren Boebert (CO), Dr. Ronny Jackson (TX), and Bob Good (VA).  The numbers have been growing but are still paltry compared to the number of Republicans in Congress.  Please contact your representative to apply pressure on him to challenge the votes.

Over in the Senate, not a single senator had made a commitment to challenge the votes until yesterday, when Josh Hawley announced that he would.  As of this writing, he remains one out of fifty-three.  Please contact your senators to urge them to join Senator Hawley.

And please don’t complain that they don’t care.  Momentum is building, and we should do everything we can to keep shifting the tide. read more

9 Comments on Coming attractions for January 6

  1. Run of the mill Reblickans are afraid of their own shadow. Their spines are removed after swearing in. Most of them are gutless wonders, more interested in their appearance than doing any work.R soles!!!

  2. @Extirpates

    They’ve been reduced to mostly ceremonial puppets while those that really construct the laws work behind the scenes.
    In other words mostly irrelevant.

  3. “This meeting of both houses of Congress is convened. There’s a motion to vote on the slate of Electors without reading the vote. Do I have a second?”
    “Thank you. Motion passed.
    The electors are voted and accepted.
    Meeting adjourned.”


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