Byrne: Pallets of Fake Ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified, Filmed and Sampled Before Moving Trucks Picked Them Up and Shredded Them – IOTW Report

Byrne: Pallets of Fake Ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified, Filmed and Sampled Before Moving Trucks Picked Them Up and Shredded Them

Gateway Pundit:

The counterfeit Fulton County Georgia ballots recorded in the 2020 election were identified before the corrupt gang of Georgia election related officials picked them up and shredded them.  Samples were also taken.  The Georgia election gang has some major explaining to do.

Patrick Byrne, Founder of and now member of the Trump team who is attempting to prove the massive fraud across the country released some shocking news moments ago in a series of tweets.

In his first tweet Byrnes tweets:

BIG NEWS: COUNTERFEIT FULTON COUNTY GEORGIA BALLOTS. On a tip, our operative entered the Fulton County (Atlanta) Warehouse and took this series of photos: THESE ARE FAKE BALLOTS (note the quantity): more here


“He’s Covering Up Massive Fraud in Georgia, Why?” – Rudy Giuliani Fires Warning Shot at Dirty Georgia Governor Brian Kemp

Snip: Guess we know why.

28 Comments on Byrne: Pallets of Fake Ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified, Filmed and Sampled Before Moving Trucks Picked Them Up and Shredded Them

  1. Wire … just high enough that their toes still (lightly) touch the ground.

    And that’s for the few who haven’t earned the Room 101 Treatment – the lower class criminals, miscreants, and corrupt-o-crats.

    And that after they’ve pled guilty and made a statement how they’ve spread diseases among the proles, sexually abused children and animals, and have been perfectly cognizant of their High Crimes and Felonies.

    Proscription for Gates, Steyer, Buffet, Soros, &c.

    It’s a start, at least …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It can’t be proved in a court of law and wouldn’t matter if it could. Have you people not grasped the fact the other side is in charge?

    You can lose, or you can shoot them.

    It’s called a binary solution set.

    Pick one.

  3. I want to believe, I really do, but I can’t tell what’s going on with this. What makes these ballots “fake” or “counterfeit”? And as far as one can see on these crude pix they look blank. The biggest problem is that the Gateway Pundit webpage on this is an absolute graphic mess that makes it awfully hard to decipher. We’re going to need better evidence than this to convince the doubters.

  4. Notice the name Dwight Brower. He is the Fulton County election chief, who told reporters there was a water pipe break.
    I think he’s got some “slain’in to do”….

  5. Tha fraud is so massive we’ll still be finding ways they cheated in 2024!! Round ’em up and charge the bastards with treason. There’s more than enough evidence now with more to come no doubt!

  6. This is one of the better examples of them rubbing their ass on your face and you do nothing.

    Raping your wife in front of you, and you do nothing.

    Taking your money, and you do nothing.

    This is how we get New Government.

    Make a great argument on the internet. I’m sure they’ll back off when you do that.

  7. This is the reason they enlarged Gitmo.

    Need more room to house the bastards.

    It will take time to get all the hangings done. Spread them out for maximum effect. Make it as unpleasant as possible so the consequences are seared into the minds of everyone nationwide and worldwide that we mean business. Mess with our Constitution and you WILL suffer.

  8. If they were counted and are now destroyed and gone, a simple hand recount should remove them from the totals.

    And what would be the purpose of them if they weren’t counted? Were they removed before and not counted they became a part of the totals?

    What does Dwight Brower have to say in explanation?

  9. “…Miller and Trump did not elaborate on how they would present that information to Congress, or whether they will be able to do so…”

    There’s the rub.

    Bill McGinley on Bannon’s War Room Pandemic show explained that for each state that is contested, there is a 2 hour time limit in each chamber (House and Senate) to debate the evidence and come up with a resolution. Which means republicans only get one hour in each chamber. In that time frame each speaker has only 5 minutes to speak. And even then, there can be other restrictions placed on the presentation. It’s a huge uphill climb.

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