Texas: 3 Arrested for Brutal Beating and Torture of Former GOP Senate Candidate – IOTW Report

Texas: 3 Arrested for Brutal Beating and Torture of Former GOP Senate Candidate

Geller Report: How much time has the mainstream media devoted to this story? Not very much. The motive of this assault has not been confirmed just yet.

However, that is not the point. What would the response have been from the MSM if it was a Democrat who was subjected to such a brutal assault? There would be wall to wall coverage, outrage, and condemnation from the MSM outlets. And they would very likely blame the POTUS too. more

13 Comments on Texas: 3 Arrested for Brutal Beating and Torture of Former GOP Senate Candidate

  1. 1960 all over again!

    Had this been adam the LSM would spend at least 15 min every 60 on racist, white nationalist beasts! but just like 60 years ago liberal violence is hidden!
    Of course if you saw the brutal Mario Savio and his vicious “Goons at the Gate” with your own “lying eyes” then you knew The Press was FAKE NEWS!
    I did, it was FAKE NEWS
    Probably has been FAKE NEWS for 71 years.

  2. “…three women bound and gagged her, then proceed to brutally torture her.“

    “Three people then proceeded to beat her, according to Tijerina.”

    “Police said Amanda Salinas, Ariel Vera and Raymond Santana were arrested.”

    Journos, journos, journos. Ay caramba.

  3. There was a story a few days ago about the 2019 Virginia Teacher of the Year tweeting out why Kentucky residents couldn’t be of the same spirit as the “true Kentucky hero” Rand Paul’s neighbor and assault and/or kill Mitch McConnell.

    He half assed apologized and the school board said that was good enough for them.

    Plenty of VA commenters agreed that sny violence visited on McConnell, or any Republican, is justified because Trump calls for violence on private citizens all the time.


  4. The takeaway: Don’t follow just any strange black-bra wearing woman that is trying to lure you into a hotel room to “tell you something about your safety”.


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