Federal Judge Dismisses Election Lawsuit Against VP Pence – Gohmert Says Dismissal Will Be Appealed – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Dismisses Election Lawsuit Against VP Pence – Gohmert Says Dismissal Will Be Appealed

Federal Judge Dismisses Rep. Gohmert’s Election Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence — Gohmert Says Dismissal Will Be Appealed.

10 Comments on Federal Judge Dismisses Election Lawsuit Against VP Pence – Gohmert Says Dismissal Will Be Appealed

  1. According to everything I’ve read, Pence is not going to support our President. Apparently Gohmert doesn’t trust him either.
    In other news, Guns shops are full of people trying to purchase $600.00 guns.

  2. “…Gohmert and other Republicans argued in their lawsuit against Pence that the U.S. Constitution clearly outlines the protocol for when alternate slates of electors are presented to the president of the Senate. They say the president of the Senate has “exclusive authority and sole discretion under the 12th Amendment to determine which slates of electors for a state, or neither, may be counted.”

    Pence’s attorney in the Thursday court filing claimed that the plaintiffs “have sued the wrong defendant,” noting that suit objects to procedures in the law and “not any actions that Vice President Pence has taken,” so he should not be the target of the suit…”

    The lawsuit was a pre-emptive move to keep Pence from weaseling out of his Constitutional responsibility. Pence derailed it with his defense and weaseled out anyway.

  3. I think the business about Pence not supporting Trump has been cooked up by the MSM. And I suspect the statute is irrelevant in the face of the Constitution. Pence is a man of God and I think we need to trust him. He knows that nobody else will be pro-LIFE.

  4. I hate when people use the title “Man of God” for someone, thinking that they will do what is right because of their so-called virtue. Their words mean little, it’s their actions that are important. Too many so-called men of God who say all the right words have gone on to doe more harm than good (Jimmy Carter is one who comes to mind. And Joe Biden definitely considers himself quite the man of God, even though he appears to fully support abortion).

  5. I haven’t seen Pence take a single bad action in the last 5 years. That doesn’t mean I trust him, but ‘hearsay’ ticks me off.
    The purpose of Gohmert’s suit was to draw the matter to Pence’s attention. It succeeded. Either way Pence will be the one making that particular decision.

  6. Let me see, give the nation over to the communist that have sold out to China or save the nation? I can’t decide.
    There shouldn’t be a rock big enough to hide under for anyone that has been part of this treason.
    Did anyone see the CCP took Jackie Chan’s mansion. He was pro communists. And then they broke up Ma’s empire. I guess they were thinking that the alligator would eat them last!
    Sorry boys, that’s not how it works.

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