WinCo Foods in Oregon Turns off Self Checkout on Elderly Woman Trying to Check Out With Groceries Over Mask Rules – IOTW Report

WinCo Foods in Oregon Turns off Self Checkout on Elderly Woman Trying to Check Out With Groceries Over Mask Rules

Media Right News –

A staff member of WinCo Foods shut down a self-checkout for an elderly woman today in one of their locations in Oregon. You can see the ‘abusive’ staffer shut down the machine so the woman can’t checkout and then proceed to see what some people (including the elderly lady) see as assault.

25 Comments on WinCo Foods in Oregon Turns off Self Checkout on Elderly Woman Trying to Check Out With Groceries Over Mask Rules

  1. All about the stupid mask mandate. But I see that this jerk didn’t care about the stupid social-distance mandate. Exercising only his perceived authority. He ought to run around the store a few times to relieve his hysteria.

  2. Last time I went to Winco I was the only one in the entire store not wearing a mask. I shopped and checked out with no incident. If an employee had confronted me I would have said “I have a medical condition.” Problem solved. They are not allowed to inquire about a medical condition. (I am allergic to bullshit.)

  3. That over controlling zealot of a ‘slob of a personality’, was wearing his Star Trek Federation issued mask, BELOW HIS NOSE, thus infecting people, fire is fat ass (pulls up pants at the end) for that alone. Aside from his abusive nature…and ageism.

    Mask below the nose, ya say? He does not want to have his glasses fog up CONSTANTLY as a result of wearing the Face Diaper all the time at his job. His actions are of a bitter and very nasty person.

    Understandingly SO (about the glasses fogging), SO don’t be a fucking hypocrite, we are done with YOU and your types.

    Fuck off on the ‘high horse you rode in on…’ you shithead, and the friends you came with too.

  4. What bugs me about videos like this is the lack of action by those on the periphery, the other shoppers, that just stand there mute and do nothing.
    Yes, stores have policies, I get that, but to go out of your way to shut off multiple registers, what a dick, and whoever was there that witnessed it should have told him he as a dick, taken his name and reported the bad behavior to the owners.

    Able bodied parking in handicapped spot, cutting the line at a supermarket, blowing your filthy smoke in my face, verbally abusing a waitress, I’ll say something, tough shit.

  5. My husband decided 2021 was the year he was done appeasing our local mask ordinance in the grocery store and as we went in yesterday the guy manning the front asked if he needed a mask and he said no and that was the end of it. No one is bothering him. How does this guy even know if she doesn’t have a medical issue?

  6. I dunno, their store their rules. If you want to make a meaningful statement, don’t shop there. The guys definitely a dick. If I witnessed him treating an elderly lady that way, well he wouldn’t. Find a mom and pop store without protocol developed at a cooperate level.

  7. McClendons Hardware staff make this idiot look downright respectful. Of all of the places round here, McClendons is the absolute worst for being out of control control freaks. I’ll never step foot in one again after what I witnessed there.

  8. The man filming; as soon as he was assaulted, he should have stopped filming and called to police.

    Obviously it did no good to yell at the employee or call him names. Call the police and tell them of the assault.

    Then, again, it was in Oregon. The police might have arrested the old lady.

  9. For some folks, shopping at another store is not an option. I could be wrong but this poor lady strikes me as living nearby, may not even have a car, fixed income, no other store in the area.

    But there are “Face coverings required for service” signs plastered all over the place so any regular should know better.

    And these ,”He touched me, that’s assault, someone call the cops” idiots drive me crazy, get a life, loser.

  10. Every time I go into Winco there’s plenty of people not wearing a mask, and those that are are constantly touching it, then touching produce, rearranging the packages of meat until they find the perfect pkg., pulling their mask down and rubbing their nose. Stand back and take a look for 5 minutes at what people do to their faces/mask, it’s a wonder any of us are still breathing. We have an immune system that takes care of 99.9% of germs, leave it alone.

  11. Carlos the Jackal January 2, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    Funny how their demeanor changes when you screw your pistol barrel into their right nostril…

    I expect to see that out of politicians very soon. I wanna watch them squeal like a pig.

  12. Goldenfoxx

    I believe your NorCal county is like mine LE has announced they are blowing the Rona off. Then it’s up to individual store managers. Oregon and Washington seem to be Karen central

  13. @Ghost

    We had a Cop in Port Cobourg Ontario tazer a 58 year old Twice at the YMCA because some Karen freaked out because the mans mask slid down below his nose while working during a pre-booked appointment.

    The Copper tazed a 65 year old the next day.

    Source: Rebel media, “Cop Karen, Tases man near his heart over refund at YMCA coburg Onbtario”

  14. I must shop at a more or less normal Winco, I’ve never had a problem shopping there. However there was one time that I was in there, the freak in front of me in the checkout line (pre Covid) was wearing a cheap house dress, with his fat feet bulging out of his/her/its high heeled shoes, with a big fat belly hanging out in front and needed a shave real bad. I had to laugh at this freak, it was disgusting. Of course it was also late in the day so maybe this fat slob was getting groceries cuz he had a hot dinner date waiting for him/her/whatever at home. We generally do most of our grocery shopping early on Saturday morning when the riff raff are still asleep.

  15. majorityofbob

    I pointed this out months ago. The storm drains are plugged with them. and they’re showing up in every lake in the US. I’m wondering where the Sierra Club is.

  16. Our son had the self checkout turned off on him at our local Walmart because of no mask. Ironically, he had just had a conversation with the store manager not more than 5 minutes before while not wearing a mask. You have to love the Karens of the world.


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